My mom has finally gotten down to the baking part of christmas! It took awhile! My mom thought I was crazy for taking these pictures but I think they turned out pretty good. When we were making the shortbread we were using this psyco mixer!! If you turned it up a little shortbread would fly everywhere!! It was so crazy! After scrubbing dried on shortbread off the walls we figured out that the mixer actually can be controlled. Eventually we finished!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I can't believe I haven't told you about Elmer!! He is our awesome cat that does some weird things...One time I was bending over to pick up something on the flight of stairs in my dads shop and Elmer decided he would make himself at home on my back!! He curled up and was stretched out before I could staghten out! (he really is cute though...maybe putting on a few pounds but still cute) He does this thing with windshields too. (Yes, windshields.) He climbs on top of the vehicle and slides down the windshield. Then he crawls back up and does it again. Very strange... Then there was this other time when I was talking on the phone. This phone has a long cord. Elmer comes trotting up and settles down by my feet. All of a sudden he literally ATTACKS the phone wire and gets himself tangled. It was so funny to watch. I could tell you a list of things that my cat has done but I don't want to bore you! Merry Christmas! (again....)
Monday, December 22, 2008
I Can't Believe It!

I can't believe it!! Christmas is just around the bend!! I am so ready!! Sort of...I'm working on a PowerPoint for our Christmas Eve service at our church. It's coming slowly ....very slowly but its gonna get done! (hopefully!) My mom hasn't wrapped all the presents yet, the baking is not done, and visions of sugar plums weren't dancing in our heads....ha ha just kidding. (I don't even know what sugar plums are. If anyone does please enlighten me!) While my family is trying to catch up I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!! (this probably won't be my last post before Christmas but if it is I wished you all a Merry Christmas!!!)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I got a haircut yesterday and I think it looks good!! Finally I get a good haircut for once!!! Anyway....I think getting a haircut is the next best thing to a spa! I find it so relaxing I could fall asleep. But of course I can't do that or else my hairdresser would tell me to get my head up and yank my head very uncomfortably! But really though the way a hairdresser does your hair is very calming. I don't know why I think that but I do.
PET PEEVE: Hairdressers who try to talk to you constantly without letting you chill.
PET PEEVE: Hairdressers who try to talk to you constantly without letting you chill.
Me and my brother were at Subway one time and we were getting subs....of course. Before I tell you what I ordered my brother thinks its the most disgusting thing in the world. Ready? 'My sub' has turkey (the processed kind not anything baked or fancy.) BBQ sauce and REAL cheddar cheese. Yum!! I love it but the rest of my family think I'm weird. I'm usually a very picky eater. My sandwich began when I ordered actual cooked turkey and BBQ sauce on my sub. I guess I only said turkey breast and not cooked turkey breast so I ended up getting 'My Sub' ! I thought it looked disgusting at first but I ate it and it tasted really good! should try it!!
Fields (its a store)
Well me and my mom were at Fields yesterday. (yes that is what you would name a store when you live out in the prairies!) My mom didn't want me to see what she had at the till so she sent me to the back of the store to look around. (I wonder if its a christmas present...) I saw some dog treats called 'Pupperonis' (I couldn't resist typing the name!) and I picked them up thinking I would buy them for my dogs for Christmas. Well my mom was having this talk with our friend who happened to be the clerk about whether or not a touque was too girly for my brother. She paid for the stuff and we left. Halfway down the road I realized I still had the dog treats in my hand......I didn't pay for them!!! I ran back to the store yelling BETTY!! BETTY!! (the name of our friend) I literally burst through the door and was explaining everything!! It was crazy! Have you ever had one of those times where you forget you actually had something in my hand?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I was wrong...
I was wrong...we had a day off from school yesterday and not today! Last night our bus driver called us and said our bus wasn't running today. (not surprising because we live way out in the middle of nowwhere....) I was looking forward to today. I went to sleep last night. (which is what people usually The bus driver calls in the morning and says that our bus is now running! Of course I stayed up till 2:00 last night thinking I'm not going to school and I get to sleep in...HA! Well I eventually dragged myself out of bed and go on the bus and fell asleep!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Snow Days!
Wow 2 days without school and I'm loving it! It gives me a chance to take some pictures, read a book, and pretty much the same things I do anyway but more time to do it. My life is kinda simple that way. Today I attemped braving the -40 degree weather, and soon after found myself inside drinking hot chocolate. (No I didn't spill any on the carpet, mechanical snowman, or the brand new coffee table!! *Read 'Hot Chocolate Kerfluffle'*) See those pictures I took with the swing and tree? Well I pretty much froze my fingers off trying to get the perfect shot. I guess it was worth it though.....
Basketball is here!

Finally!! Basketball is here! We have a game tomorrow, but I have a feeling it's canceled.....well, we have another one on Thursday anyway! You know, I kind of like running 35 laps at the begginning of practice....its a bit of a rush! I misses practice last time because I had a braces appointment. (They are now
Stairs are Dangerous!!
Well today, I fell up the stairs! Has that ever happened to anyone but me or am I forever stuck in a state of klumsiness? (yes i'm very klumsy....don't laugh! lol) I went to go get some chips downstairs. On my way back up I took the first step up the staircase and CRASH!! That was so painful. (Its almost worse than falling down the stairs!) I'm sure it's gonna be sore tomorrow! Yaah....
Our Families Little Christmas Tradition!
I love our families tradition! It's pretty normal so don't get your hopes up! We don't parachute in Santa suits or anything! That would be kinda fun though....anyway! Well every Christmas Eve we go to a service at our church. (this year I'm making a PowerPoint for it!) That's always a good time. Then afterwards, we go back home and open all the presents from our family. (not our uncles, cousins, grandmas, second cousins, evil twins, etc.) That is so much fun! I love it!
Jesus is the "Riesen" for the Season!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas Decorations are finally up!!
We got our decos up yesterday almost a week from Christmas! ( I know it's pretty sad...) But thet're up! That's a good thing! Ok so my mom was putting up the lights and that job seriously takes FOREVER!! When she was done she plugged them in to see how they looked.....and....well....the top half of the tree wasn't working. So mom thought she had to take them all down and do it over again....I went over there and shook the tree up a bit. The lights came back on! Well I knew this because I was untangling all the lights and everytime I lifted up the pile the lights would go on and every time I put the pile down they went off. (That is so not normal....)
Jelly Bellies!!
Jelly Bellies are the best jelly beans in the world! Which other company has jelly beans flavored like strawberry daquirie, buttered popcorn, orange sherbert, coconut, jalepeno, raspberry jam, or chocolate banana?! (Only to say a few!!) These are seriously THE best jelly beans in the world! You have probably heard about them but I just wanted to say it. My new favorite movie snack.....
"Ith"....its funny!
Ok my friend, Arielle, came to my drama the other day. (By the way, I was a lawyer and I thought I did pretty good....whether other people thought so isn't my On the way back we were talking with every word ending in an "ith". It got so addicting we couldn't stop. Arielle was staying overnight at my house and supposedly the people in her dreams were talking like she started talking like that again! It was so weird...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Midnight Sun Update!!! If you call yourself a twilight fan than READ THIS!!
Ok I figured out what Midnight Sun is about! I was reading Staphanie Meyer's blog or website or something....(don't ask for the address, i really don't know) ***THIS IS NOT A SPOILER IF YOU HAVE READ THE FIRST BOOK IN THE TWILIGHT SERIES!*** Ready for it? It's Edwards point of view of the twilight book instead of Bella's!!! Isn't that awesome! Sorry all you people that don't like twilight (not really....i love twilight). In between sentences I've been reading the first chapter in Midnight Sun!!!!! I found it on the web!
OK CAPITAL LETTERS HERE PEOPLE!!! THAT WAS THE BEST MOVIE I EVER SAW!!! Me and my friends were in the theater half an hour before the movie!!! That was so awesome! We were taking pics before in the theater. All during the movie we were talking to each other about what was happening next it was totally crazy!! We all read the books so we were chatting about EVERYTHING! I was surprised that we didn't get kicked out! We were all huge fans so of course we stayed till' the end of the credits....geez...which fans don't?! It got an A++++++ from us and a literal standing clapping shouting ovation!! That was THE BEST movie I hve ever seen!
Although, they did leave quite a bit of parts out...OH WELL! IT'S STILL THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!! EVER I TELL YOU!!
Although, they did leave quite a bit of parts out...OH WELL! IT'S STILL THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!! EVER I TELL YOU!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Hot Chocolate Kerfluffle lol

Today I went to school (of course....) and I went to lunch at Sheridan's house (my buddy) . Chelsey came too (the other buddy) . So we were eating and listening to this dancing snowman and penguins that sang "Rockin around the Christmas tree!".....yes very random. It was cute cause the tail on the penguin wiggled. lol. It had a bell and everything. We got free hot chocolate that day at school. Chelsey brought some to Sheridan's. While we were listening to the mechanical snowman and penguin thing Chelsey got hot chocolate all over the snowman!! (it was white in case you were wondering..) So we got out the Scott Towel, water, and of course the Tide To-Go! Her mom wasn't home so we were rushing around cleaning up. After that got taken care of we went into the living room where there was a brand new coffee table with magazines on it.........and Chelsey put her hot chocolate there.....yep it spilled again! This time we got out the Scott Towel, water, and the carpet cleaner. Evetually we got the mess cleaned up pretty good. We thought we were gonna be late for band class ( yikes if we were....) so we made up this awesome excuse. We were going to say "Funny story.....We spilt hot chocolate on the carpet.....the table.....and the mechanical snowman! " We were looking forward to being late and all but of course we weren't. We ended up watching a chrismas movie. hehe
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Check out my dog blog!
If you want to see my dogs more than go to
You'll love it! It's cute! hehe
You'll love it! It's cute! hehe
Coming soon!
My brother is drawing some random doodles so I'm putting them on here so no mean comments no matter how weird they are!! lol
3 hour band practice = horrible lol
Yesterday we had a 3 hour band practice! It was the worst! We were playing non-stop! When you play the clarinet like me ( jk) you start feeling lightheaded after that much blowing! Geez... To make things worst the boiler was broken and it was literally burning in there! I'm sure I've never sweated so much when I'm not being active! Well, I suppose I should give my band teacher a little credit....our concert is tomorrow. But still we could have had a break. Oh well it's over. That's the only thing that counts lol.
Hilarious youtube video!
Ok this video is so hilarious! I thought it was anyway.... so here's the link!!!!
It's not scary so don't worry! (for all of you that can't handle scary movies...don't worry i'm one of them!) It's funny!
It's not scary so don't worry! (for all of you that can't handle scary movies...don't worry i'm one of them!) It's funny!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Music Cards!
There's no better way to say "I Love You!" or "Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Birthday!" or "April Fools!" or "Happy Hanukkah" or whatever you say than with a music card! (cheesy) But seriously why would you buy a normal card when you can get one with Bugs Bunny saying Happy Birthday! they may be a little more expensive. I just bought one with hoops and yoyo (the halmark mascots) with their tongues stuck to the north pole!!! What gets better than that!! lol

Have you ever heard of dogpile? It's a search engine that does all the same good stuff as Google helps save animals in need! How great is that? You get all your search engine perks and at the same time you are helping less fortunate animals! So go search something on dogpile just for the fun of it!
Mascara Malfunction
The other day I was putting on mascara. I wear contacts so I did that first. All of a sudden, my mom came in and yelled "DAYLYNN!" Then a huge streak of mascara slid down my eyeball! It was weird cause' I didn't fell anything but I could see a huge black blur over my eye! I quickly took my contact out and washed it. I still didn't feel any pain or weird tickling sensation. (don't know why I wrote tickling sensation, just felt like it) Then it was all good!
**People! Do NOT try this at home! It only got in my contact and not my eye so I was lucky!**
hehehe Just thought I'd share this with ya!
**People! Do NOT try this at home! It only got in my contact and not my eye so I was lucky!**
hehehe Just thought I'd share this with ya!
Christmas shopping is ....sorta done...
Howdy people! Christmas shopping seemed very very long....yipes! I got some people done like my mom...(sad right?) After all our shopping we decided we were going to go to Quantum of Solace 007. That was a good movie! If you like all the explosions, near death experiences, and completely confusing parts where I'm sure the camera was moving so fast it was invisible then this is the movie for you! Well, anyway you know at the end where it plays thr James Bond theme song? He's walking and you can see him through this spiral tube? It reminded me of a Spongebob e[isode. Spongebob was doing the same thing and he was walking with a spatula instead of a gun. Then Patrick would say "Hey look Spongebob! I can see you though this straw!" ANYWAY!! We went to Kelsey's (sort of like Applebees in the US) for supper. It was pretty busy so we were waiting a bit.My brother and I went outside instead of staying in the crowded waiting area. There was some music playing from the restauant. I was dancing to it being my weird self. Tyler was embarrassed by me. You know how it goes. So then a guy comes out to smoke and I start dancing again. (when he's not looking!!) It was fun.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Christmas Shopping!
Today we are going christmas shopping (thats almost scary!) at Medicine Hat, Alberta (for all of you in the US). I know what I'm going to get people but I can't say it here....(the off chance that my family will actually read my blog) Right now we're ready to leave, however my dad is talking to someone who came into the yard. I give him half an hour. Well I'll blog about my christmas shopping later.
Friday, November 28, 2008
My Cute Dogs!
Ok, now that I have some actual speed in my computer I can show as many pictures as I want! lol Well my dogs names are Jessie (black and white) and Hobo (brown, we seriously weren't being mean or anything when we thought of his name, it just happened). We got Jessie when she was just a little puppy. It was so cute when she slept in our shoes! Hobo was a stray. He use to be all growly and mean but now he is just one big softy. Aww....
Twilight Update!!!!!!
Another Swift Current Broncos Adventure
Tyler and I were at a Broncos game again and of course we had to make our makeshift cow bells!! (see previous post on swift current broncos game) Well, we were watching these two kids in front of us and they kept playing with these hot wheels cars. We called one of them the carmaster and the other the carmaster's assistant. It was hilarious! Tyler kept staring at them and they didn't see him! You probably would have to be there to get the humor in it but it was funny. They launched their cars everywhere. It was so weird. Eventually I think Tyler scared them because they moved to different seats. Then these older kids came. There was one with a huge head, a guy with a very small head (not kidding) , a normal headed guy, and a guy that looked chinese. You know how at hockey games they play music when they have a face-off? Well me and Tyler were dancing to it and the normal headed guy kept staring at us like we were crazy (I don't really blame him...) . So Tyler leans in and stares back. It was funny again....

This is the most awesome series of books ever!! Seriously in the world! It's about a girl named Bella who moves to a town called Forks. She meets a guy who ends up being a vampire. She falls in love with him and meets Edward's (the vampire) family (they are all vampires as well). However, these vampires eat animals and not humans. Edwards family has Esme', Jasper, Carlisle, Alice, Emmett, and Rosalie. Soon Bella becomes close to their family which causes Bella to be in constant danger from other vampires. As you read these books you will get seriously absorbed in them!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Going Green!!

Do you think going green is hard and you can't get in the habit of buying solar panels and saving the penguins?? I do. If you're having some problems than here are some quick fixes for your green problem:
1. Shut off your lights!! ~ If you want to be green than a simple thing you can do is shut off your lights when you leave the room. Simple right?
2. Turn off the water when you're not using it!!! ~ Brushing your teeth with the water running is a habit most people get into. So turn off the tap when you're cleaning your pearly whites!
3.Recylce!! ~ The most obvious one is to recycle so do it! Use paper on both sides than recycle it!! Take your pop cans and plastics to a local recycling facility!
4. Use water bottles more than once! ~ If you buy a plastic water bottle from a store than use it again! It's smart! It's easy!
5.Unplug cell phone chargers when cell phone is done charging! ~ Don't leave your cell on your charger forever! You're wasting energy! Take it off the moment you see it done! (miley and mandy show)
6. Wear a sweater instead of cranking up the AC!! ~ You don't need to turn on the air conditioner when you probably have blankets or sweaters to wear!
Those are some simple things you can do to help our earth and home survive! So HELLO get to it!
Personally I think hunting is the most pointless thing on earth! Although, if the animals are being a pest than u can shoot them but doing it for a sport is SO WRONG! Would you like it if people were shooting at you just because they get their crazy kicks from it?! I didn't think so. Please think twice before shooting an animals head off.
Friday, August 8, 2008

Ok check it out!!! Chowder is officially the best cartoon ever! I mean who dosen't like a cartoon about ice cream men and flibber flabber?! Yeah i know you think i'm crazy her but i'll tell you about this awesome cartoon! Alright, chowder is a cartoon about a catering business that has hilarious and sometimes pointless misadventures. The main characters are chowder (of course), mung daal, endive and pennini, shnitzel, and truffles. Here are some pretty cool pics about chowder!!
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