1. I drove 70 km/h on gravel.
2. I drove on the highway.
3. A car passed me on a highway.
4. I drove 90 km/h on the highway.
5. I drove 80 km/h on the gravel.
6. I drove 100 km/h on the highway.
7. I drove 110 km/h on the highway.
8. I drove 120 km/h on the highway.
9. I passed a vehicle!
10. I passed a semi!
11. I had my first drive with the teacher!
12. I drove on a horribly muddy road!
13. I drove in the dark.
14. I drove in town.
15. I drove in a city.
16. It tried paralell parking.
17. I had my second drive with my teacher!
18. I had my third drive with my teacher!
19. I drove on ice.
20. I drove on ice in the dark.
21. I went on my City Drive with my teacher!
22. I took my Driver's test!