There's no better way to say "I Love You!" or "Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Birthday!" or "April Fools!" or "Happy Hanukkah" or whatever you say than with a music card! (cheesy) But seriously why would you buy a normal card when you can get one with Bugs Bunny saying Happy Birthday! they may be a little more expensive. I just bought one with hoops and yoyo (the halmark mascots) with their tongues stuck to the north pole!!! What gets better than that!! lol
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Have you ever heard of dogpile? It's a search engine that does all the same good stuff as Google helps save animals in need! How great is that? You get all your search engine perks and at the same time you are helping less fortunate animals! So go search something on dogpile just for the fun of it!
Mascara Malfunction
The other day I was putting on mascara. I wear contacts so I did that first. All of a sudden, my mom came in and yelled "DAYLYNN!" Then a huge streak of mascara slid down my eyeball! It was weird cause' I didn't fell anything but I could see a huge black blur over my eye! I quickly took my contact out and washed it. I still didn't feel any pain or weird tickling sensation. (don't know why I wrote tickling sensation, just felt like it) Then it was all good!
**People! Do NOT try this at home! It only got in my contact and not my eye so I was lucky!**
hehehe Just thought I'd share this with ya!
**People! Do NOT try this at home! It only got in my contact and not my eye so I was lucky!**
hehehe Just thought I'd share this with ya!
Christmas shopping is ....sorta done...
Howdy people! Christmas shopping seemed very very long....yipes! I got some people done like my mom...(sad right?) After all our shopping we decided we were going to go to Quantum of Solace 007. That was a good movie! If you like all the explosions, near death experiences, and completely confusing parts where I'm sure the camera was moving so fast it was invisible then this is the movie for you! Well, anyway you know at the end where it plays thr James Bond theme song? He's walking and you can see him through this spiral tube? It reminded me of a Spongebob e[isode. Spongebob was doing the same thing and he was walking with a spatula instead of a gun. Then Patrick would say "Hey look Spongebob! I can see you though this straw!" ANYWAY!! We went to Kelsey's (sort of like Applebees in the US) for supper. It was pretty busy so we were waiting a bit.My brother and I went outside instead of staying in the crowded waiting area. There was some music playing from the restauant. I was dancing to it being my weird self. Tyler was embarrassed by me. You know how it goes. So then a guy comes out to smoke and I start dancing again. (when he's not looking!!) It was fun.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Christmas Shopping!
Today we are going christmas shopping (thats almost scary!) at Medicine Hat, Alberta (for all of you in the US). I know what I'm going to get people but I can't say it here....(the off chance that my family will actually read my blog) Right now we're ready to leave, however my dad is talking to someone who came into the yard. I give him half an hour. Well I'll blog about my christmas shopping later.
Friday, November 28, 2008
My Cute Dogs!
Ok, now that I have some actual speed in my computer I can show as many pictures as I want! lol Well my dogs names are Jessie (black and white) and Hobo (brown, we seriously weren't being mean or anything when we thought of his name, it just happened). We got Jessie when she was just a little puppy. It was so cute when she slept in our shoes! Hobo was a stray. He use to be all growly and mean but now he is just one big softy. Aww....
Twilight Update!!!!!!
Another Swift Current Broncos Adventure
Tyler and I were at a Broncos game again and of course we had to make our makeshift cow bells!! (see previous post on swift current broncos game) Well, we were watching these two kids in front of us and they kept playing with these hot wheels cars. We called one of them the carmaster and the other the carmaster's assistant. It was hilarious! Tyler kept staring at them and they didn't see him! You probably would have to be there to get the humor in it but it was funny. They launched their cars everywhere. It was so weird. Eventually I think Tyler scared them because they moved to different seats. Then these older kids came. There was one with a huge head, a guy with a very small head (not kidding) , a normal headed guy, and a guy that looked chinese. You know how at hockey games they play music when they have a face-off? Well me and Tyler were dancing to it and the normal headed guy kept staring at us like we were crazy (I don't really blame him...) . So Tyler leans in and stares back. It was funny again....

This is the most awesome series of books ever!! Seriously in the world! It's about a girl named Bella who moves to a town called Forks. She meets a guy who ends up being a vampire. She falls in love with him and meets Edward's (the vampire) family (they are all vampires as well). However, these vampires eat animals and not humans. Edwards family has Esme', Jasper, Carlisle, Alice, Emmett, and Rosalie. Soon Bella becomes close to their family which causes Bella to be in constant danger from other vampires. As you read these books you will get seriously absorbed in them!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Going Green!!

Do you think going green is hard and you can't get in the habit of buying solar panels and saving the penguins?? I do. If you're having some problems than here are some quick fixes for your green problem:
1. Shut off your lights!! ~ If you want to be green than a simple thing you can do is shut off your lights when you leave the room. Simple right?
2. Turn off the water when you're not using it!!! ~ Brushing your teeth with the water running is a habit most people get into. So turn off the tap when you're cleaning your pearly whites!
3.Recylce!! ~ The most obvious one is to recycle so do it! Use paper on both sides than recycle it!! Take your pop cans and plastics to a local recycling facility!
4. Use water bottles more than once! ~ If you buy a plastic water bottle from a store than use it again! It's smart! It's easy!
5.Unplug cell phone chargers when cell phone is done charging! ~ Don't leave your cell on your charger forever! You're wasting energy! Take it off the moment you see it done! (miley and mandy show)
6. Wear a sweater instead of cranking up the AC!! ~ You don't need to turn on the air conditioner when you probably have blankets or sweaters to wear!
Those are some simple things you can do to help our earth and home survive! So HELLO get to it!
Personally I think hunting is the most pointless thing on earth! Although, if the animals are being a pest than u can shoot them but doing it for a sport is SO WRONG! Would you like it if people were shooting at you just because they get their crazy kicks from it?! I didn't think so. Please think twice before shooting an animals head off.
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