"I'm telling you, life keeps getting harder and harder."
Friday, August 21, 2009
Hey Guys!
As usual I haven't been up to date with all this blogginess but I'll let you know that I update my twitter more often than my blog. So if I stop for awhile you'll likely find me on twitter! Well there has defineatly been a lot going on! I got puppies! They are so cute! One girl, Hally, and one boy, Ace. They are border collies. Our older dog Jessie didn't take very well to them at first and growled at them but now she acts like their mom. It's so adorable. Tricks? Well that's not exactly happening yet. We have tried teaching them hit the hay! When we say hit the hay they're supposed to head to the barn to sleep. Sorta working. Sorta not. But anywho I have pics of them to show you!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Pirate Talk
Ok this is so random but I think I figured something out about the way pirates talk. You know how they're always saying "Ai!" and "Arr!"? Well I think they're saying the alphabet. Ai is I and Arr is R. All the accents in the world were taken so they just decided to elaborate on the alphabet. Next thing you know, they'll be going around saying Ell! (L) and Ess! (S) till they use up the whole alphabet! Yep that's what I think :)
Crazy Comforting
The other day my dog past away and I was in a really sad mood. (Don't ask about how he died, i don't want to talk about it....) So my friend called me up and told me to come over and bring the rest of the family. It happened to be my dad's birthday. She told me she was going to cheer us up with cupcakes! Yum! When we got there she introduced me to "Ingrid". Before you all go and think this is an old lady I will tell you it's not. It's a huge bowl of icing. HUGE. She told me to taste it and you could feel the sugar crystals crunching in your teeth. Yikes. But anyway she had made baby Ingrids (chocolate cupcakes with Ingrid icing) and cinnamon apple streusel cupcakes. There was also "Betty". That was the chocolate icing. We ended up having to make more Ingrid because the first one was a flop. And you all know how cooking with one of your best friends can be. Let's just say I had chocolate all over my face and there was chocolate covered tomatoes and yeah. NEVER EVER try chocolate covered tomatoes. Take it from someone who knows.....In the end it did comfort me...strangely. We didn't leave empty handed. We got to take some Ingrid babies home!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Crazy Invention!

Blogger Block
As you've probably noticed I haven't been very frequent on Blogger lately. I'm going through one of those "phases". (And no it has nothing to do with growing up...) It's pretty much like you feel an obligation to your blog but you don't have the mojo to write about stuff. So please forgive me. These phases happen every once in awhile. I'm going to think of a name for this.....hmmm....Blogger block? Sounds good.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Father's Then and Now
Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there! Here's what father's did in the 1900's compared to now. Hope it brightens your day! (I dedicate this post to my dad!)
In 1900, a father's horsepower meant his horses.Today, it's the size of his minivan.
In 1900, if a father put a roof over his family's head, he was a success.Today, it takes a roof, deck, pool, and 4-car garage. And that's just the vacation home.
In 1900, a father waited for the doctor to tell him when the baby arrived.Today, a father must wear a smock, know how to breathe, and make sure film is in the video camera.
In 1900, fathers passed on clothing to their sons.Today, kids wouldn't touch Dad's clothes if they were sliding naked down an icicle.
In 1900, fathers could count on children to join the family business.Today, fathers pray their kids will soon come home from college long enough to teach them how to work the computer and set the VCR.
In 1900, fathers shook their children gently and whispered, "Wake up, it's time for school."Today, kids shake their fathers violently at 4 a.m., shouting: "Wake up, it's time for hockey practice."
In 1900, a father came home from work to find his wife and children at the supper table.Today, a father comes home to a note: "Jimmy's at baseball, Cindy's at gymnastics, I'm at adult-Ed, Pizza in fridge."
In 1900, fathers and sons would have heart-to-heart conversations while fishing in a stream.Today, fathers pluck the headphones off their sons' ears and shout, "WHEN YOU HAVE A MINUTE.."
In 1900, a father gave a pencil box for Christmas, and the kid was all smiles.Today, a father spends $800 at Toys 'R' Us, and the kid screams: "I wanted Sega!"
In 1900, if a father had breakfast in bed, it was eggs and bacon and ham and potatoes.Today, it's Special K, soy milk, dry toast and a lecture on cholesterol.
In 1900, a Father's Day gift would be a hand tool.Today, he'll get a digital organizer.
In 1900, a happy meal was when Father shared funny stories around the table.Today, a happy meal is what Dad buys at McDonald's.
In 1900, a father was involved if he spanked the kid now and then.Today, a father's involved only if he coaches Little League and organizes Boy Scouts and car pools.
In 1900, when fathers entered the room, children often rose to attention.Today, kids glance up and grunt, "Dad, you're invading my space."
Thanks to http://www.ahajokes.com/ for the great jokes! Happy Father's Day everybody!
In 1900, a father's horsepower meant his horses.Today, it's the size of his minivan.
In 1900, if a father put a roof over his family's head, he was a success.Today, it takes a roof, deck, pool, and 4-car garage. And that's just the vacation home.
In 1900, a father waited for the doctor to tell him when the baby arrived.Today, a father must wear a smock, know how to breathe, and make sure film is in the video camera.
In 1900, fathers passed on clothing to their sons.Today, kids wouldn't touch Dad's clothes if they were sliding naked down an icicle.
In 1900, fathers could count on children to join the family business.Today, fathers pray their kids will soon come home from college long enough to teach them how to work the computer and set the VCR.
In 1900, fathers shook their children gently and whispered, "Wake up, it's time for school."Today, kids shake their fathers violently at 4 a.m., shouting: "Wake up, it's time for hockey practice."
In 1900, a father came home from work to find his wife and children at the supper table.Today, a father comes home to a note: "Jimmy's at baseball, Cindy's at gymnastics, I'm at adult-Ed, Pizza in fridge."
In 1900, fathers and sons would have heart-to-heart conversations while fishing in a stream.Today, fathers pluck the headphones off their sons' ears and shout, "WHEN YOU HAVE A MINUTE.."
In 1900, a father gave a pencil box for Christmas, and the kid was all smiles.Today, a father spends $800 at Toys 'R' Us, and the kid screams: "I wanted Sega!"
In 1900, if a father had breakfast in bed, it was eggs and bacon and ham and potatoes.Today, it's Special K, soy milk, dry toast and a lecture on cholesterol.
In 1900, a Father's Day gift would be a hand tool.Today, he'll get a digital organizer.
In 1900, a happy meal was when Father shared funny stories around the table.Today, a happy meal is what Dad buys at McDonald's.
In 1900, a father was involved if he spanked the kid now and then.Today, a father's involved only if he coaches Little League and organizes Boy Scouts and car pools.
In 1900, when fathers entered the room, children often rose to attention.Today, kids glance up and grunt, "Dad, you're invading my space."
Thanks to http://www.ahajokes.com/ for the great jokes! Happy Father's Day everybody!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Cramming for Exams!
Lately I've been sort of addicted to twitter! I have no idea why! It's just saying what you're doing but o well! (Just in case any of you are wondering my username is deedee583...) Anyhow I have an exam coming up on Thursday. I haven't been studying too much due to all the twittering......I know I know.....shame shame shame. Well I suppose I better start cracking or else I would be the crazy person to show up ten minutes late with bedhead because she was up studying all night. I guess I'm wasting time doing this but I thought this was so important I had to share it with you....haha. Well wish me luck!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Swift Current Ball Tournament
Oh how I wish I had pictures to show you for this but the sad truth is I don't. Yesterday my baseball team headed to Swift Current for a ball tournament. I went up with my friend, Kortney. On the way up to pass the time we started taking pictures. Not just pictures of us but of random cars driving by! We were trying to guess the expressions on their faces. I felt so creepy but hey! When we got there the temperature was already a scorching 30 degrees! I'm telling you I felt so gross by the end of the day! Anyway, the first game we won 21 to 1. Easy as pie. (That saying doesn't make sense really, "Easy as pie"? Pie is NOT easy to cook!) After that game me and Kortney went to the mall since there was 3 hours in between games. When we were in Walmart we were listening to music cards, embarassing ourselves in front of the employees and haing a hilarious time! Our whole team ended up buying crazy sunglasses for the next game! Mine were bright orange! Good times. The second game was also easy as pie, won it by 11 points. The last game though was not easy as pie or was it since pie is not easy to bake? Anyway, we lost by 11 points. We still had a good time. We ended up getting second place. On the way home, me and Kortney decided we were going to sing all the way home. So we did. We sang every song we could think of. True story.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Small Talk
Last night me, my brother and my mom went for a bike ride. I took my camera along as usual. I snapped some pics. My brother thought I was obsessed. I snapped some more pics. You know, the same old, same old. It was a weird night. The weather was warm but chilly. (Is that even possible? O well.) Not windy though, which is good. Oh gosh, am I actually talking about the weather?! That's suppposed to be saved for small talk! Huh. O well, that's how I roll!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
New Moon the Movie!
Of course, everyone has heard about New Moon coming out in theaters! But for the people that haven't...guess what? It is! And for the people who have no idea what I'm talking about (which is probably very few) it's a movie based on Stephanie Meyer's popular teen fiction series on vampires! The other day I went to a movie at the theater and there it was! The movie poster where everyone could see it! I stood there for quite awhile just staring at it. Here is a link to the official New Moon trailer if you haven't seen it yet:
Strange Bird Phenomenon
Two days ago my family went up to Cypress Hills Park for supper at the resort. My cousins were there also. You know what's annoying? When the waitress still thinks you need a kiddie menu. She asked me how old I was and I said "Fourteen" probably a little more forcefully than I should have. Well, when we got the menu there happened to be only one burger on it. That dissapointed me because that's my usual, so I ordered the burger.
Our tabe happened to be by the window so my brother started watching birds. It was weird. They all would fly up to the same branch of a tree and literally fall off. It made no sense. They didn't fly, they fell.
My theory is it's either the bird's own personal joke he was playing on us or some strange bird thrill ride. It remains a mystery.
Our tabe happened to be by the window so my brother started watching birds. It was weird. They all would fly up to the same branch of a tree and literally fall off. It made no sense. They didn't fly, they fell.
My theory is it's either the bird's own personal joke he was playing on us or some strange bird thrill ride. It remains a mystery.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Band Trip to BC!
I loved this picture! haha someone was tired....
Our band class went on a band trip to Invermere, British Columbia! It was absolutely breathtaking! I swear I have over 20 mountain pictures on my camera. When you live in the prairies and you find a hill exciting you can expect a large amount of pictures! I also saw mountain goats for the first time. Well I have seen them in the zoo but not in the wild. There was this really creepy note written in the bathroom in our hotel room. I can't tell you what it says due to the fact it was in Chinese. Me and my friends called it the Chinese Curse! lol Good times! We traveled in the Cypress Cyclones bus. (The Cypress Cyclones are my town's hockey team.) This bus has a record of breaking down, and well we were no exception. It broke down right before we were about to leave BC. We were delayed 30 minutes but that was ok because I got some more pictures of the mountains!
PS- for your info all the scenery pics were taken from inside the bus hehe
Hi! I'm back!
Hi everyone! It's been so long since I've blogged. Just to get things straight it wasn't my fault! Our computer was down for about a month! Aaaaah! It was so frusterating! Well, there has been so much going on since last time I checked in. Probably the most important detail is......SUMMER IS HERE! Well not officially or anything but we are getting +30 degree weather. Although the weather is all nice and whatnot it snowed today! That is the latest it has snowed before. Our weather is so crazy! Well it was more like sleet but still. You never really know what to wear each day. In the morning you could be wearing shorts and a tanktop but by the afternoon you're bundled up and ready to play in the snow!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Mexican Imports
Well my Grandma came out yesterday and she was recently in Mexico. She brought us all gifts!! Yaah! Anywho....I got a Mexican doll. You know those creepy ones? I also got a Mexican pink t-shirt. (Interesting.....) Plus a Mexican chocolate bunny! Just kidding. Who knows if they even have chocolate down there? It's probably just tacos. My dad got Mexican coffee. He insisted on drinking it so we had to search for our coffee maker. The coffee maker was last seen sometime around before I was born so you can imagine the hunt. In the end we found it in our attic full of dust. Mexican imports are great!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
My New Addiction!

Oh my goodness! I love Cooking Mama 2! haha Who knew that such a simple game could keep you entertained for hours? It's almost as good as bubblewrap! At first after I first bought it I was thinking "What did I waste my money on this time?" but after I got more into it I was thinking "Good-bye bubblewrap!". Although I think this game is great I do not suggest this for dudes. It's more of a dudette game.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Brianna Stands!
Brianna stands!!! She is so close to walking it's crazy. Her mom (my Aunt) was so proud of her! I had to video it so my Uncle could watch it back at Calgary. Just thought I'd let you all know the great news! ( I told you I can make her walk. Well she is going home tomorrow and she hasen't walked yet but she will! Mwa ha ha! O boy....)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
*whispering* I babysat my cousins tonight and they're finally asleep!! Huzzah! Actually they weren't too bad getting to sleep. Brianna the little one cried a bit but after a sit in the swaying chair with me she fell asleep like a rock. Branden the 6 year old fell asleep right away. Hehe I guess I got lucky.
Movie and Medicine
Yesterday I went to Medicine Hat with a few friends (Chelsey and Sheridan) to watch a movie. Chelsey being Chelsey had to buy some Jalepeno Sticks at Arby's in the food court before the movie so that took some time. She ended up stuffing them down her sweater to sneak them into the movie. You all know about the "No Snacks in the Theater Unless They're Our Own" rule. Nobody was watching to check tickets and there was 3D glasses on the counter. We all took a pair seriously thinking they were for our own movie and it turned out they weren't, so you can imagine everybody watching us strangely with our 3D glasses on.
On the way home I came home with my Aunt and my Grandma. My Grandma had some medicine with her. So we drop her off at her house and continue home. About halfway home and in the middle of the highway, Grandma phones and tells us she forgot her medicine and Grandpa was following us in his car to pick it up. So we found an approach on the side of the road and waited. It was pitch black out so we couldn't what kind of car was coming down the road. We saw a car in the distance thinking it was Grandpa and my Aunt honked the horn. It turned out to be some random dude. Well a few mistaken honks later Grandpa came and we went home. O Grnadma....
On the way home I came home with my Aunt and my Grandma. My Grandma had some medicine with her. So we drop her off at her house and continue home. About halfway home and in the middle of the highway, Grandma phones and tells us she forgot her medicine and Grandpa was following us in his car to pick it up. So we found an approach on the side of the road and waited. It was pitch black out so we couldn't what kind of car was coming down the road. We saw a car in the distance thinking it was Grandpa and my Aunt honked the horn. It turned out to be some random dude. Well a few mistaken honks later Grandpa came and we went home. O Grnadma....
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter everybody! Who dosen't like Easter? The holiday famous for little foil wrapped chocolate eggs! This holiday is also famous for Jesus when he died on the cross for our sins! My cousins have arrived and the one is a premature baby so she is two and can't quite walk. She runs around with a plastic truck but anyway.....
My goal is to make her walk by the time she leaves! (in a week)
Well I got Wii Fit for Easter! As I am typing this my abs are aching in protest from it. That's a good thing! (Right?.....) Oh! How could I forget? I got a Snoopy shirt! O yes I am his biggest fan! Right now my Grandma, my Aunt, and my mom are in the room beside me stamping their hearts out. Seriously my mom needs a new hobby. Anywho......HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!!
My goal is to make her walk by the time she leaves! (in a week)
Well I got Wii Fit for Easter! As I am typing this my abs are aching in protest from it. That's a good thing! (Right?.....) Oh! How could I forget? I got a Snoopy shirt! O yes I am his biggest fan! Right now my Grandma, my Aunt, and my mom are in the room beside me stamping their hearts out. Seriously my mom needs a new hobby. Anywho......HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Sogo Active

Spring Cleaning...
Today I spring cleaned my room to the music of my Ipod. It's a scary place once you dive deep into the nooks and crannies that haven't been looked at for years. (Dramatic isn't it?) I found my Grade 6 folder that was full of pictures and stories I had written. (If you must know, the pictures were from our halloween party. My head was buried in a cream pie.) I also found a quilt I never finished making. And yes, I liked quilting three years ago. I had to get rid of some of my shoes!!! It was horrible! Goodbye Rocketdog shoes and green runners! (I have an odd taste in shoes....) Adios! Another tradgic moment was that my favorite denim shorts didn't fit me! O well, that all means that it's time to get new ones!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Is it Spring or Is It Winter?
Monday, April 6, 2009
Thrift Shop Fun
Today me, my mom and a couple of friends were volunteering at the local Salvation Army. We were organizing clothes, shoes, mattress covers, toys, books, games, socks, curtains, cables and various Star Wars bobble heads. My mom had recently given a bag of her old clothes to the Salvation Army so she was worried that her bag would be looked through by her friends. It was! Well well well. We found a few pieces of lingerie in there. That's something I don't want to see again! Anywho, so we were sorting along and found these leather jeans! Yikes! Everyone wanted me to try them on! Me being weird went along with it and figured out they were mens jeans that wouldn't fit over my hips! Ai yi yi! That was a crazy night! In the end we all got coffee and pop. I even ended up with a rubber ducky as a thank you gift!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I Rode a Horse!
Wow! I actually rode a horse! I know you're probably thinking that I have rode a horse before but this is not the case. I may live on a farm but my dad has something against them. Well I guess I have rode a horse before. They are the horses at a trail riding thing in Cypress Hills but they're just trained to stay on the path and go nowhere else. I'm pretty sure you could sleep and they would just keep walking and you would be perfectly fine when you wake up.
Anyway, I rode 'Auto' at Raeann's house. The first time I rode him I knew one thing about horses and that was how to stop. Pull back on the reigns. Well Auto started moving! (Don't blame me I was a little paranoid...) I pulled back on the reigns a little too hard and Auto began going backwards quite fast. Everyone was telling me to drop the reigns so I did that and he just chilled right away. So weird. Well after that experience I was a pro. Haha I wish but I did get around way easier.
Anyway, I rode 'Auto' at Raeann's house. The first time I rode him I knew one thing about horses and that was how to stop. Pull back on the reigns. Well Auto started moving! (Don't blame me I was a little paranoid...) I pulled back on the reigns a little too hard and Auto began going backwards quite fast. Everyone was telling me to drop the reigns so I did that and he just chilled right away. So weird. Well after that experience I was a pro. Haha I wish but I did get around way easier.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April Fools Day!
Normally on April Fools Day I'm just totally wacko! I have the worst tricks ever! Most of the time it's somehow scaring someone. You know? The classic BOO! or some other random technique. Well I tried scaring my friend Sheridan with a stuffed animal. Stuffed animals are difficult to scare people with due to the fact that they're cute and cuddly. Well I was going to go behind her and slowly lower the animal in front of her face and scare her! It was so pro. I was casually talking to her and I put my scheme into action. She SCREAMED! It was so hilarious! Other than that I didn't do much. I attempted some BOO!'s but that failed. O well! Hehe
(PS- This is now my 100th post!!!)
(PS- This is now my 100th post!!!)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Me and my brother decided to play football one day. Oh boy. I am absolutely horrible at it! When I threw the ball it went over Tyler, to the right, to the left. Anywhere but in his hands! It was still a good time though!
Baking Cookies!
It took me about two hours to put all the ingriendients in a bowl and stir it. That's how I cook, slow and steady. In the end, the cookies turned out a little more crispy than I wanted but I blame it all on the timer. I tried for 10 mins or 9 mins or 8 mins but it all turned out crispy. Oh well. Anything below that was way too doughy. But then again I was eating the cookie dough so....
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A Funny Coincidence on Oprah

I was watching Oprah just before I wrote this. (haha yes, Oprah! If you must know I was then watching Ellen after that...) Oprah was featuring David Murdock (David Murdock is the owner of Dole fruit company) and what he was doing to stay healthy. David ate only vegetables and fruit for every meal. Crazy!! Well he has a part of a fish for lunch but thats about it. He even makes vegetable and fruit smoothies!!! He puts peppers, mangoes, broccoli, celery, blueberries, and all sorts of fruits and vegetables in them. When it comes out it looks like mud but supposedley it tastes better than it looks! He says that he hasn't had the cold or flu for twenty years! (I could go for that!! hehe)
Anyway, to the funny part. David took Oprah shopping at......Costco. How cool is that? Two billionaires shopping at Costco. So David was stocking his cart with veggies and fruits and veggies. Oh? Did I say veggies twice? I meant to say it three times.
Anyway, so they were going to pay and David says he forgot his wallet. It happened that Oprah didn't have a wallet either. So in the end the producer had to pay for the cart load of veggies and fruits! (If you don't know what David Murdock looks like, I have added a picture. I chose this one due to the way it makes him look mysterious....)
Monday, March 23, 2009
Very Frusterated!!
You may be wondering why I`m frusterated or you may be looking at the title of this post and thinking that it sounds too frusterating and that you're going to go and eat a bowl of cornflakes instead. So if you`re thinking the first thing than I`ll tell you.
My I-Pod is on the fritz! I can`t live without my music! (sad right...) Anyway, the computer says I have to restore it, which means that I have to erase everything on it!! I must say goodbye to 198 songs, 4 episodes of Corner Gas, 1 episode of Spongebob (Yes, spongebob!), 4 files of pictures, the twilight movie, the Mamma Mia! movie, personalized playlists, Youtube videos, 6 games, a few short films, and various free I-Tunes stuff. This may sound like the end of the world but.....I actually have it all on my computer except for a few songs. So all I would have to do is put it all back on. Except now the restoring isn`t working.....very frusterating!!
My I-Pod is on the fritz! I can`t live without my music! (sad right...) Anyway, the computer says I have to restore it, which means that I have to erase everything on it!! I must say goodbye to 198 songs, 4 episodes of Corner Gas, 1 episode of Spongebob (Yes, spongebob!), 4 files of pictures, the twilight movie, the Mamma Mia! movie, personalized playlists, Youtube videos, 6 games, a few short films, and various free I-Tunes stuff. This may sound like the end of the world but.....I actually have it all on my computer except for a few songs. So all I would have to do is put it all back on. Except now the restoring isn`t working.....very frusterating!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Go Broncos Go!
Yet another Swift Current Broncos Game!! Well my mom is in Edmonton for Stamping Regionals (That makes stamping sound like an international sport...) so my dad had a "surprise". You could hardly call it a surprise when he told you that you have to prepare to go somewhere, you might need a coat, and to bring along your Swift Current Broncos cap....
When we got there we got in line to pick up our tickets. My dad had reserved our tickets with our last name. So we get in line and ask for "Knodel". They tell us they don't have them!! Well after an extensive search they found them under "Anodel". Someone wasn't listening over the phone....
Of course me and my brother made our makeshift cowbells again!! That is great! Actually dad bought us some real ones this time!! (Shocking....) So the next game we go to we're gonna have cowbells!
When we got there we got in line to pick up our tickets. My dad had reserved our tickets with our last name. So we get in line and ask for "Knodel". They tell us they don't have them!! Well after an extensive search they found them under "Anodel". Someone wasn't listening over the phone....
Of course me and my brother made our makeshift cowbells again!! That is great! Actually dad bought us some real ones this time!! (Shocking....) So the next game we go to we're gonna have cowbells!
Spring is Here!!!
It's the second day of spring! Today I enjoyed the +12 degree weather! It was great and muddy. Me and my brother were actually outside working for our dad but we still had some beams of sunlight reach us! One of our jobs was to make sure that the burning straw wouldn't get out of control. Well for one the straw was on a pile of ice which made it a bit difficult to start. We also had the pleasure of seeing the first gopher of spring! It was a strange place to see a gopher but there was one none the less. He was crammed into a metal tube. Odd. Everyone enjoy Spring!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Don't Forget!
Remember to check out my post about the Infinite Happiness List! If you want to add what makes you happy then find the post labeled "Infinite Happiness List" under January in my archives! The thing that makes you happy will be listed under The Infinite Happiness List on the side of my blog. Thanks!
Musings of a Busride
Well the bus ride was interesting.
I was sitting on a seat which I was sure the bottom was covered with gum.
The bumps of the gravel rode made me sway in my seat. I was enjoying a bag of snack mix which consisted of peanuts, gummy bears, Nibs, M&M's, Sunchips, pretzels, Rolo bites, chocolate covered cranberries, licorice all sorts, cheezies, doritos, and flax seed crackers. (I find the flax seed crackers the only odd tasting thing out of the bunch!) Delicious!
Rachelle (a young girl who is very annoying and is probably in grade threeish) was showing me a collection of her Littlest Pet Shop Pets from the other side of the bus with me half listening. And just for the sake of detail I'll name them or what kind of animals they were. (Just so everybodys clear I don't play with them!)
There was a chinchilla, a seal, a rabbit or was it a goat? Anyway, Tyler and Claydon (Rachelle's brother) were randomly punching the seat for the fun of it.
The funny thing is, is that I'm pretty sure most school bus rides are like this.
I was sitting on a seat which I was sure the bottom was covered with gum.
The bumps of the gravel rode made me sway in my seat. I was enjoying a bag of snack mix which consisted of peanuts, gummy bears, Nibs, M&M's, Sunchips, pretzels, Rolo bites, chocolate covered cranberries, licorice all sorts, cheezies, doritos, and flax seed crackers. (I find the flax seed crackers the only odd tasting thing out of the bunch!) Delicious!
Rachelle (a young girl who is very annoying and is probably in grade threeish) was showing me a collection of her Littlest Pet Shop Pets from the other side of the bus with me half listening. And just for the sake of detail I'll name them or what kind of animals they were. (Just so everybodys clear I don't play with them!)
There was a chinchilla, a seal, a rabbit or was it a goat? Anyway, Tyler and Claydon (Rachelle's brother) were randomly punching the seat for the fun of it.
The funny thing is, is that I'm pretty sure most school bus rides are like this.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Snowboarding: Painful but Great!!
Snowboarding was awesome!! We started on a very very small hill. I'm pretty sure they don't even call this a hill. It's more of a very gradual slope. Well anyway we fell a bit on that. Sad but true. After that hill we went to our lesson and that helped a lot!! We learned how to side slip, go on our toe and heel edge, and stop. (foreign language for all you non snowboarders!! hehe) After the lesson we all felt like pros but we were far from it! On the ski lift Raeann and I were sitting on the ends and Caitlin was sitting in the middle. When we got off Caitlin went straight and me and Raeann both went inwards and crashed into each other! We just laughed! Another time on the lift we all got off straight and then we all fell down at the same time! Great funniness. hehe Well I didn't come back completely unharmed. On the last run of the day at the bottom of the hill Caitlin called " Look Out!". Personally I don't know why she called that but I looked back at her and I crashed. Hard. I practically smashed my wrist into my hip. Luckily it wasn't broken just sprained. It was actually kind of humorous believe it or not. Caitlin was crushing ice on my wrist and Raeann was wandering around me while I was screamin my head off. It would have been a very odd sight. Other than that we had a great time! Snowboarding has officially taken the place of skiing in my life!
An Unlucky Friday the 13th!!
This never happens but me and my mom were actually unlucky on Friday the 13th! I still don't believe in that stuff but it was weird! Well on the following Saturday my mom had a stamping day. We were going the night before to set up. As I was half listening to my mom talk about it there was a CRASH! in the backseat. We turned around and noticed that the tub full of punches fell against the seat. (This vehicle was stuffed full of stuff.) So I got out on the gravel road and opened the door. The tub fell out of the car and spilled the punches all over the gravel and near the ditch! We thought they were going to be broken but we were lucky...hehe lucky on Friday the 13th...anyway, we picked them all up and kept on driving. My mom had called the hall (the place where her stamping day was going to be) and they said that nothing was going on the night before so thats when we were going to set up. When we got there we noticed that the lights were on and there was cars parked in front. So we went in and disturbed a confirmation class. Well geez! Mom was angry so she asked the guy who was teaching the confirmation class if we could at least unload the tons of craft supplies. Luckily (there I go again....) we were able to do that. We then waited until 9:30 PM when the class was over.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Oh yeah!! Finally! I get to try snowboarding! It was sort of a spur of the moment thing! (Thats how most things are with me!) I am tempted to put a pillow on my butt. I have heard all sorts of horror stories about sore butts. Very tempted but I won't. At least I'm with my friends! We'll laugh at each others disasters! Everybody says we're going to end up giving up but we'll show them! Anyhow, I think this is great news so I thought I'd share it with you all! (I was going to say y'all but I stopped myself!)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Will the Snow Ever End?
I don't think the snow will ever stop. We just had a gallon of snow dumped on our little farm last night. I wish it was no- jacket weather. I'm way too tired of bundling up just to walk across the yard. I have these pictures to remind me of the gorgeous weather, of which I have almost completely forgotten. (notice the capitalized SUMMER!)
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Geico Kash?
If you haven't noticed yet, Geico has come out with a new "dude" for their commercials. I personally like the new one better. (It is a little creepy though....but thats what makes it great! hehe) He's called Geico Kash. In the commercials he'll randomly show up while some person is spending money and a song will play. It's called "Somebody's Watching Me" which suits it. I guess thats why they used it but ANYHOW! Here he is:

Are you creeped out yet?
How about now?

Now? Jus kidding with ya! I think its cute. (Yet still creepy..)
As I was in the middle of stuffing roast beef into my mouth during supper my dads phone starts playing a catchy jingle. You know the jingles that are catchy but then get annoying after awhile. It was that sort of catchy jingle. It turns out it was a text message and it said "VINJA!!". We had no idea who it was from so we decided to reply. Well my dad said to write "Vinja?" so I did. After awhile the catchy jingle played again and it said "Noooo! It's kennedy!". We still had no idea who this person or kennedy was. So we texted back again. Once again my dad made a suggestion. He told me to text "You mean John F. Kennedy?" so I did. After another awhile the catchy jingle played again and said "No silly! Don't be so silly child!". We all laughed. We realized this guy didn't know he had the wrong number so what did we do? We texted back! Well, this time I said "You have the wrong number.". The next jingle was so random. I mean really random. It said "Will you go out with Jordyn?" I was going to text back saying "Only if he dyes his hair purple" but I didn't. I figured I might have ruined someone's life if I did that. So I just texted back saying "You have the wrong number!!!" Well the final jingle said "Who are you?" We all decided to leave the person alone so that was the end of it. Good times!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Bath Beads
I was curling today and we had an awesome time! We lost our first game, laughed about it and won our last game and laughed about it! (See? You can laugh about anything!) Well our skip was totally bummed out about the first game and the rest of looked like we all had too much caffeine. So since we lost the first game we had a 4 hour wait before our next one. That 4 hours was filled with randomness and more laughing! Hehe. Oh yes, there was music involved and maybe a little random dancing. Ok! I love "Right Round" by Flo Rida. The funny thing about his name is that he lives in Florida and that is his name. Anyway, I thought I would just add that in. After our triumphant victory against the leading team and my ride home watching Corner Gas in my friends' truck, I had a nice relaxing bath with bath beads. (This is not something I normally do. It's mostly rushed showers and the super cold feeling when I get out.) I read my book. Then I squirted myself with this weird squirtable lotion. So weird.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
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