Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Barack Obama
So I guess Barack Obama is the USA's new pres! Me and my friend Sheridan are Barack Obamas biggest "canadian" fans. We watched his whole speech at school and then watched the news for any updates. I heard there was a mishap with his oath. Whether it was him or the person telling him what to say. The news said it might be takne to court. (whether thats reliable, so don't quote me) Anyway I found this video on Youtube and its "Barack Obama" (not the real person) singing a version of Beyonce's Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It). I don't believe its offensive so its ok to watch. There is also one of him singing to the tune T.I.'s Whatever You Like. But personally I think this one is better. So here is the link:
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Gold is a great color!!
You know what I think? Gold is a pretty decent color considering when you wear it around your neck! Our bball team took home the gold medal!! Woop!! Woop!! We totally dominated the tournament! We won the shooting contest and the games! I learned my lesson from last time though, rent a movie on your I-Pod when you have nothing to do on the way up! We were being so awesome when we were taking pictures randomly. There was some pretty good midair poses we had going! ( not just in the basketball games!)
Friday, January 16, 2009
My Awesome New Guitar!
For my birthday (which is in 9 days) I got a guitar!!! I've been wanting to learn how to play for so long but haven't had the chance. It is an "oriental blue" Yamaha electric acoustic guitar! It is so fun. I am proud of myself. I can play a Spanish song. (even if its in slow motion!) I can almost play Rockin' Robin. When I get better I plan on taking it to camp and playing the guitar there. I have also learned how to play Yankee Doodle. (what a good
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Infinite Happiness List!
I've decided to start an Infinite Happiness List! You can comment on what you think are things that bring you complete happiness and I will add them to the list! I will put a few up to give you some ideas! So get started!!
My Awkward Basketball Game...
The other day I had a bball game and was a horribly long drive. About two and a half hours. It's probably not that bad unless you had something to do!! You're probably thinking I could have been talking to my friends but no, they were seperated and were likely in the same situation I was. I got so bored I literally started counting the screws on the roof of the bus. It was a long bus ride and very cramped. I was stuck at the edge of a seat with my stuff in my lap. When we finally got there we lost by 30 points. Well I guess we tried!! Lol. Nothing comforts you like Subway though! A sub was all I needed to lift my spirits. The way back seemed even longer. I tried falling asleep but I couldn't. It was very eventful....
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Family Trip!
I am sitting in a hotel typing this to you people. We went to Valkyrie the movie. (If I spelt it wrong then don't blame me! And yes "spelt" is a word...) It was a pretty good movie. Don't take young children to it though.....Every time there was an explosion or a gun shot I literally jumped! They (surprisingly) didn't do that often so it always caught me off guard... hehe. Well the reason we're here is because we had to pick up my dad's "used" truck. The truck is supposed to be a farm truck. You know all the hauling bushes that could scratch his truck and OH! Don't forget the manure...It looks pretty new to me. But anyway me and my brother went swimming a little while ago. (My hair is still damp) There was a waterslide but him and I found the bar more interesting. We slid down it like a waterslide anyway. Tomorrow we plan on shopping for a bit so that'll be a humdinger of a time!!! (Humdinger is an awesome word!)
Friday, January 2, 2009

I can't believe it's already 2009!! Oh great! Now I'm going to have to get used to writing that! I apologize early if I make any mistakes with that!! My family did something different this year. We rented a condo out at Cypress Hills Provincial Park for the New Year! On New Years Eve we pretty much chilled. We also went swimming in the hotel pool for a bit. The cousins were out and me and Ashley were talking about Twilight. My brother, Tyler, got annoyed and called us obsessed. I guess I can't blame him! Although the only reason he said that was because he couldn't hear Spongebob over our talking...At about 11:59 that night we decided we should change the channel to the countdown. We almost missed the moment! As soon as we changed the channel it was already at 5...4....3...2...1...Happy New Year! We all blowed on our little horns and gave hugs and had a good time. The first thing I did was the macarena! It was totally random but it was fun! The next day we all went tobogganing at the huge hill there. It was crazy fast. We saw some people crash including ourselves. It was still a lot of fun. I even went down with my Grandpa! That was wild. Speaking of wild there was this one sled that was completely out of control when you go down the hill with it!!! I was the only one who got the hang of it in the end! That night we chilled again and I learned how to play crib from my Grandpa. That game is complicated! I think we should play it in Math! That's pretty much what it is anyway! Eventually though I learned it. I think 2008 ended with a bang!! Here are some pretty significant things that happened in my life in 2008:
1. I turned lucky 13!!!
2. My taste buds became more acceptant to different foods...
3. I went to the USA for the first time!
4. I became a fan of Twilight!
5. The little random things that me and my friends laugh about!
6. I managed to play a high note on my clarinet! Woop!
These things are probably not that amazing but they're what makes my year!! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!
Christmas was so awesome!! Also sorry I couldn't get to you sooner! Our internet was down. I got an I-Pod docking station. JUST WHAT I WANTED!! I also got brown tall boots! JUST WHAT I WANTED!! I'm noticing a pattern here....AND>>>>>>>>>I got BREAKING DAWN!! Finally I get to read it! I'm actually over halfway done now......It is so good! We also went to my grandmas house and ate some sweets, ate some turkey, and ate some other munchies.(Oh come on!! Don't deny that you don't overeat on Christmas! I did....) Oh! Then we opened presents! Can't forget that I suppose. It was funny because my cousin, Ashley, was opening up her gift and she pulled out some tea towels. She had a confused look on her face and pulled out the next thing. It was a gardening manual. By then she was so confused. The gift she was opening actually ended up being my moms gift! Good times...
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