Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Me and my brother decided to play football one day. Oh boy. I am absolutely horrible at it! When I threw the ball it went over Tyler, to the right, to the left. Anywhere but in his hands! It was still a good time though!
Baking Cookies!
It took me about two hours to put all the ingriendients in a bowl and stir it. That's how I cook, slow and steady. In the end, the cookies turned out a little more crispy than I wanted but I blame it all on the timer. I tried for 10 mins or 9 mins or 8 mins but it all turned out crispy. Oh well. Anything below that was way too doughy. But then again I was eating the cookie dough so....
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A Funny Coincidence on Oprah

I was watching Oprah just before I wrote this. (haha yes, Oprah! If you must know I was then watching Ellen after that...) Oprah was featuring David Murdock (David Murdock is the owner of Dole fruit company) and what he was doing to stay healthy. David ate only vegetables and fruit for every meal. Crazy!! Well he has a part of a fish for lunch but thats about it. He even makes vegetable and fruit smoothies!!! He puts peppers, mangoes, broccoli, celery, blueberries, and all sorts of fruits and vegetables in them. When it comes out it looks like mud but supposedley it tastes better than it looks! He says that he hasn't had the cold or flu for twenty years! (I could go for that!! hehe)
Anyway, to the funny part. David took Oprah shopping at......Costco. How cool is that? Two billionaires shopping at Costco. So David was stocking his cart with veggies and fruits and veggies. Oh? Did I say veggies twice? I meant to say it three times.
Anyway, so they were going to pay and David says he forgot his wallet. It happened that Oprah didn't have a wallet either. So in the end the producer had to pay for the cart load of veggies and fruits! (If you don't know what David Murdock looks like, I have added a picture. I chose this one due to the way it makes him look mysterious....)
Monday, March 23, 2009
Very Frusterated!!
You may be wondering why I`m frusterated or you may be looking at the title of this post and thinking that it sounds too frusterating and that you're going to go and eat a bowl of cornflakes instead. So if you`re thinking the first thing than I`ll tell you.
My I-Pod is on the fritz! I can`t live without my music! (sad right...) Anyway, the computer says I have to restore it, which means that I have to erase everything on it!! I must say goodbye to 198 songs, 4 episodes of Corner Gas, 1 episode of Spongebob (Yes, spongebob!), 4 files of pictures, the twilight movie, the Mamma Mia! movie, personalized playlists, Youtube videos, 6 games, a few short films, and various free I-Tunes stuff. This may sound like the end of the world but.....I actually have it all on my computer except for a few songs. So all I would have to do is put it all back on. Except now the restoring isn`t working.....very frusterating!!
My I-Pod is on the fritz! I can`t live without my music! (sad right...) Anyway, the computer says I have to restore it, which means that I have to erase everything on it!! I must say goodbye to 198 songs, 4 episodes of Corner Gas, 1 episode of Spongebob (Yes, spongebob!), 4 files of pictures, the twilight movie, the Mamma Mia! movie, personalized playlists, Youtube videos, 6 games, a few short films, and various free I-Tunes stuff. This may sound like the end of the world but.....I actually have it all on my computer except for a few songs. So all I would have to do is put it all back on. Except now the restoring isn`t working.....very frusterating!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Go Broncos Go!
Yet another Swift Current Broncos Game!! Well my mom is in Edmonton for Stamping Regionals (That makes stamping sound like an international sport...) so my dad had a "surprise". You could hardly call it a surprise when he told you that you have to prepare to go somewhere, you might need a coat, and to bring along your Swift Current Broncos cap....
When we got there we got in line to pick up our tickets. My dad had reserved our tickets with our last name. So we get in line and ask for "Knodel". They tell us they don't have them!! Well after an extensive search they found them under "Anodel". Someone wasn't listening over the phone....
Of course me and my brother made our makeshift cowbells again!! That is great! Actually dad bought us some real ones this time!! (Shocking....) So the next game we go to we're gonna have cowbells!
When we got there we got in line to pick up our tickets. My dad had reserved our tickets with our last name. So we get in line and ask for "Knodel". They tell us they don't have them!! Well after an extensive search they found them under "Anodel". Someone wasn't listening over the phone....
Of course me and my brother made our makeshift cowbells again!! That is great! Actually dad bought us some real ones this time!! (Shocking....) So the next game we go to we're gonna have cowbells!
Spring is Here!!!
It's the second day of spring! Today I enjoyed the +12 degree weather! It was great and muddy. Me and my brother were actually outside working for our dad but we still had some beams of sunlight reach us! One of our jobs was to make sure that the burning straw wouldn't get out of control. Well for one the straw was on a pile of ice which made it a bit difficult to start. We also had the pleasure of seeing the first gopher of spring! It was a strange place to see a gopher but there was one none the less. He was crammed into a metal tube. Odd. Everyone enjoy Spring!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Don't Forget!
Remember to check out my post about the Infinite Happiness List! If you want to add what makes you happy then find the post labeled "Infinite Happiness List" under January in my archives! The thing that makes you happy will be listed under The Infinite Happiness List on the side of my blog. Thanks!
Musings of a Busride
Well the bus ride was interesting.
I was sitting on a seat which I was sure the bottom was covered with gum.
The bumps of the gravel rode made me sway in my seat. I was enjoying a bag of snack mix which consisted of peanuts, gummy bears, Nibs, M&M's, Sunchips, pretzels, Rolo bites, chocolate covered cranberries, licorice all sorts, cheezies, doritos, and flax seed crackers. (I find the flax seed crackers the only odd tasting thing out of the bunch!) Delicious!
Rachelle (a young girl who is very annoying and is probably in grade threeish) was showing me a collection of her Littlest Pet Shop Pets from the other side of the bus with me half listening. And just for the sake of detail I'll name them or what kind of animals they were. (Just so everybodys clear I don't play with them!)
There was a chinchilla, a seal, a rabbit or was it a goat? Anyway, Tyler and Claydon (Rachelle's brother) were randomly punching the seat for the fun of it.
The funny thing is, is that I'm pretty sure most school bus rides are like this.
I was sitting on a seat which I was sure the bottom was covered with gum.
The bumps of the gravel rode made me sway in my seat. I was enjoying a bag of snack mix which consisted of peanuts, gummy bears, Nibs, M&M's, Sunchips, pretzels, Rolo bites, chocolate covered cranberries, licorice all sorts, cheezies, doritos, and flax seed crackers. (I find the flax seed crackers the only odd tasting thing out of the bunch!) Delicious!
Rachelle (a young girl who is very annoying and is probably in grade threeish) was showing me a collection of her Littlest Pet Shop Pets from the other side of the bus with me half listening. And just for the sake of detail I'll name them or what kind of animals they were. (Just so everybodys clear I don't play with them!)
There was a chinchilla, a seal, a rabbit or was it a goat? Anyway, Tyler and Claydon (Rachelle's brother) were randomly punching the seat for the fun of it.
The funny thing is, is that I'm pretty sure most school bus rides are like this.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Snowboarding: Painful but Great!!
Snowboarding was awesome!! We started on a very very small hill. I'm pretty sure they don't even call this a hill. It's more of a very gradual slope. Well anyway we fell a bit on that. Sad but true. After that hill we went to our lesson and that helped a lot!! We learned how to side slip, go on our toe and heel edge, and stop. (foreign language for all you non snowboarders!! hehe) After the lesson we all felt like pros but we were far from it! On the ski lift Raeann and I were sitting on the ends and Caitlin was sitting in the middle. When we got off Caitlin went straight and me and Raeann both went inwards and crashed into each other! We just laughed! Another time on the lift we all got off straight and then we all fell down at the same time! Great funniness. hehe Well I didn't come back completely unharmed. On the last run of the day at the bottom of the hill Caitlin called " Look Out!". Personally I don't know why she called that but I looked back at her and I crashed. Hard. I practically smashed my wrist into my hip. Luckily it wasn't broken just sprained. It was actually kind of humorous believe it or not. Caitlin was crushing ice on my wrist and Raeann was wandering around me while I was screamin my head off. It would have been a very odd sight. Other than that we had a great time! Snowboarding has officially taken the place of skiing in my life!
An Unlucky Friday the 13th!!
This never happens but me and my mom were actually unlucky on Friday the 13th! I still don't believe in that stuff but it was weird! Well on the following Saturday my mom had a stamping day. We were going the night before to set up. As I was half listening to my mom talk about it there was a CRASH! in the backseat. We turned around and noticed that the tub full of punches fell against the seat. (This vehicle was stuffed full of stuff.) So I got out on the gravel road and opened the door. The tub fell out of the car and spilled the punches all over the gravel and near the ditch! We thought they were going to be broken but we were lucky...hehe lucky on Friday the 13th...anyway, we picked them all up and kept on driving. My mom had called the hall (the place where her stamping day was going to be) and they said that nothing was going on the night before so thats when we were going to set up. When we got there we noticed that the lights were on and there was cars parked in front. So we went in and disturbed a confirmation class. Well geez! Mom was angry so she asked the guy who was teaching the confirmation class if we could at least unload the tons of craft supplies. Luckily (there I go again....) we were able to do that. We then waited until 9:30 PM when the class was over.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Oh yeah!! Finally! I get to try snowboarding! It was sort of a spur of the moment thing! (Thats how most things are with me!) I am tempted to put a pillow on my butt. I have heard all sorts of horror stories about sore butts. Very tempted but I won't. At least I'm with my friends! We'll laugh at each others disasters! Everybody says we're going to end up giving up but we'll show them! Anyhow, I think this is great news so I thought I'd share it with you all! (I was going to say y'all but I stopped myself!)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Will the Snow Ever End?
I don't think the snow will ever stop. We just had a gallon of snow dumped on our little farm last night. I wish it was no- jacket weather. I'm way too tired of bundling up just to walk across the yard. I have these pictures to remind me of the gorgeous weather, of which I have almost completely forgotten. (notice the capitalized SUMMER!)
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Geico Kash?
If you haven't noticed yet, Geico has come out with a new "dude" for their commercials. I personally like the new one better. (It is a little creepy though....but thats what makes it great! hehe) He's called Geico Kash. In the commercials he'll randomly show up while some person is spending money and a song will play. It's called "Somebody's Watching Me" which suits it. I guess thats why they used it but ANYHOW! Here he is:

Are you creeped out yet?
How about now?

Now? Jus kidding with ya! I think its cute. (Yet still creepy..)
As I was in the middle of stuffing roast beef into my mouth during supper my dads phone starts playing a catchy jingle. You know the jingles that are catchy but then get annoying after awhile. It was that sort of catchy jingle. It turns out it was a text message and it said "VINJA!!". We had no idea who it was from so we decided to reply. Well my dad said to write "Vinja?" so I did. After awhile the catchy jingle played again and it said "Noooo! It's kennedy!". We still had no idea who this person or kennedy was. So we texted back again. Once again my dad made a suggestion. He told me to text "You mean John F. Kennedy?" so I did. After another awhile the catchy jingle played again and said "No silly! Don't be so silly child!". We all laughed. We realized this guy didn't know he had the wrong number so what did we do? We texted back! Well, this time I said "You have the wrong number.". The next jingle was so random. I mean really random. It said "Will you go out with Jordyn?" I was going to text back saying "Only if he dyes his hair purple" but I didn't. I figured I might have ruined someone's life if I did that. So I just texted back saying "You have the wrong number!!!" Well the final jingle said "Who are you?" We all decided to leave the person alone so that was the end of it. Good times!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Bath Beads
I was curling today and we had an awesome time! We lost our first game, laughed about it and won our last game and laughed about it! (See? You can laugh about anything!) Well our skip was totally bummed out about the first game and the rest of looked like we all had too much caffeine. So since we lost the first game we had a 4 hour wait before our next one. That 4 hours was filled with randomness and more laughing! Hehe. Oh yes, there was music involved and maybe a little random dancing. Ok! I love "Right Round" by Flo Rida. The funny thing about his name is that he lives in Florida and that is his name. Anyway, I thought I would just add that in. After our triumphant victory against the leading team and my ride home watching Corner Gas in my friends' truck, I had a nice relaxing bath with bath beads. (This is not something I normally do. It's mostly rushed showers and the super cold feeling when I get out.) I read my book. Then I squirted myself with this weird squirtable lotion. So weird.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
New Coke Bottle!

I am the type of person who can't open a new jar of pickles or ketchup. You may be wondering where I'm going with this so I suppose I should tell you. These bottles are hard to open! Once again, that's just me. I'm sure you exercise buffs could open this in a heartbeat. Anyway I think they're great!

Musings at an Odd Time
Well, I'm sitting on a chair in front of a keyboard with keys that are hard to press down at my moms friends' house. Thirteen strange looking jelly beans are sitting beside me at fingers reach. (They were there before I got here.)
My moms friend is talking about a dramatic episode of "The Bachelor" while her dog is whining. (I found this to be good timing.)
My mom is viciously sponging a card with bluish gray ink.
My mom's friend's daughter in law is attempting to make a card from the computer.
Ok, ready for this one?
My mom's friend's daughter in law's baby is snoring Z's.
If you haven't guessed the scenario, it's one of those crazy nights my mom decides to go out stamping while I'm stuck on the computer. (Which isn't a bad thing!)
My moms friend is talking about a dramatic episode of "The Bachelor" while her dog is whining. (I found this to be good timing.)
My mom is viciously sponging a card with bluish gray ink.
My mom's friend's daughter in law is attempting to make a card from the computer.
Ok, ready for this one?
My mom's friend's daughter in law's baby is snoring Z's.
If you haven't guessed the scenario, it's one of those crazy nights my mom decides to go out stamping while I'm stuck on the computer. (Which isn't a bad thing!)
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