Well yesterday I had a bit of an adventure while digging up a flowerbed. Let me tell you about it...haha. So my mom told me to work some peat moss into the soil in the flowerbed when I was hoeing it like no one's business. Let me tell you, if I had a dollar for every dead plant with impossible roots making it impossible to pull it out, I'd be rich! Look out Bill Gates. Also FYI, I got a sunburn! Anyhow, I went to go grab the peat moss from the shed and looked inside and saw something fuzzy...So normally when you see a strange object in your peat moss, you're not really tempted to touch it. Well I didn't touch it either. I went and got mom. Oh yes, Mom.
I told her there were "things in the peat moss".
She asked, "What do you mean things in the peat moss?"
"There are THINGS in the peat moss!"
"Well ok then, let's go see these THINGS in the peat moss."
So we trecked out to the shed and she opened the bag of peat moss and there was a ....MOUSE! We both screamed. Loudly. So Mom takes the peat moss and dumps it out and the mouse scurries off and that's not all! There were baby mice attached to the mom mouse! At first glance, I thought the mom was giving birth but no that was not the case. They were just grabbing some milk. So then the mice scurry under some flowers (as shown above) and stay there. It was crazy!