Saturday, February 28, 2009
Blonde Jokes?
One busy day my family decided to go out for supper. (And no, this is not a fairy tale!) We went to a restaurant that we usually go to. So often really, that I can say "the usual" when the waiter comes to take our order. (The usual is grilled cheese and soup! Great combo in my opinion!) The topic of my brother getting blonde streaks came up. My mom isn't really against it or for it, but my dad is another story. He thinks its too girly or weird or whatever his excuse is for the day. So dad was giving Tyler one of his lectures and he said that we would be able to tell blonde jokes about him. Then he goes and tells one. As he was saying it, our waiter who happened to be blonde came up and was going to ask if we wanted dessert. She overheard the joke and laughed. Luckily she was good about it. She wanted to know the end of the joke so dad told her while he was all red faced and embarrassed.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
A Strange Skiing Experience

The other day me and my brother went skiing. It was a gorgeous day! We were actually hot! Anyway, it was really busy that day because, well, I guess it was a Saturday. And when it's busy you this get paired up with all sorts of people on the ski lift!
There were some guys with English accents skiing! It was hilarious! We overheard them speaking all English like and they were saying stuff like "That's rubbish!" and "Quick now there!". Good times. What I wouldn't give to have an awesome accent like that!!
Ok, there was also this little boy probably around 12 that we went up on the ski lift with. He loved to talk! He wouldn't stop blabbing! It was mostly about something he did. One of the odd things he said was "Oh man! I am such a bad boy! I have two homework assignments to do and I still haven't done them!". Then the other guy on the ski lift (he wasn't related or didn't even know the kid) told him that he better get them done. Then the kid said "No silly! I'm skiing!". It was all sort of strange.
Another odd person we went on the ski lift was this guy we couldn't understand. He was speaking some strange foreign language to people below us. Me and Tyler just continued talking since he couldn't understand us. Actually, he might have been able to understand us. Well, isn't that awkward?
Not everyone we went up with was weird, there was a nice couple who was skiing with their family for the day. They ended up living in the same general area as us! (When you live in the country "the same general area" is usually a 100 km radius.) They even ended up knowing our Aunt and Uncle......and our Uncle's brother....and my Uncle's brother's mom. Kind of creepy but they were quite nice and the guy had a pretty decent sense of humor!
Well, since it was only me and my brother skiing and my mom was off in a city nearby she had given me my dad's cell phone. We had some good times with that cell phone! My dad has a bunch of weird ring tones that came with the phone. So me and my brother decided we were going to listen to them while we were on the ski lift. The people on the car ahead of us kept turning around to see where the noise was coming from. As soon as they turned around we would shut off the ring tones. When they turned back to facing the front we turned them back on. We repeated this for awhile! Then my brother had an idea. He convinced me to ski down the hill with this hill billyish army ringer going. These were loud ring tones so there was no way you wouldn't hear it! So I went down the hill making a fool of myself but I just thought to myself, when am I ever going to see these people again?
Overall we had a great time, odd but great!
I have sort of tradition in skiing to pick out a person randomly and see how many times you run into him or her. (Some of you may be thinking that it is kind of creepy but oh well.) I picked this guy with flashy red pants, sorta hard to miss. I just ended up calling him "red". We ran into red about 6 times that day, some at more pleasant times than others
There were some guys with English accents skiing! It was hilarious! We overheard them speaking all English like and they were saying stuff like "That's rubbish!" and "Quick now there!". Good times. What I wouldn't give to have an awesome accent like that!!
Ok, there was also this little boy probably around 12 that we went up on the ski lift with. He loved to talk! He wouldn't stop blabbing! It was mostly about something he did. One of the odd things he said was "Oh man! I am such a bad boy! I have two homework assignments to do and I still haven't done them!". Then the other guy on the ski lift (he wasn't related or didn't even know the kid) told him that he better get them done. Then the kid said "No silly! I'm skiing!". It was all sort of strange.
Another odd person we went on the ski lift was this guy we couldn't understand. He was speaking some strange foreign language to people below us. Me and Tyler just continued talking since he couldn't understand us. Actually, he might have been able to understand us. Well, isn't that awkward?
Not everyone we went up with was weird, there was a nice couple who was skiing with their family for the day. They ended up living in the same general area as us! (When you live in the country "the same general area" is usually a 100 km radius.) They even ended up knowing our Aunt and Uncle......and our Uncle's brother....and my Uncle's brother's mom. Kind of creepy but they were quite nice and the guy had a pretty decent sense of humor!
Well, since it was only me and my brother skiing and my mom was off in a city nearby she had given me my dad's cell phone. We had some good times with that cell phone! My dad has a bunch of weird ring tones that came with the phone. So me and my brother decided we were going to listen to them while we were on the ski lift. The people on the car ahead of us kept turning around to see where the noise was coming from. As soon as they turned around we would shut off the ring tones. When they turned back to facing the front we turned them back on. We repeated this for awhile! Then my brother had an idea. He convinced me to ski down the hill with this hill billyish army ringer going. These were loud ring tones so there was no way you wouldn't hear it! So I went down the hill making a fool of myself but I just thought to myself, when am I ever going to see these people again?
Overall we had a great time, odd but great!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Getting Along With All the Colors!

This picture got me thinking about all the different people in the
world. All the people could get along if we all put aside our differences. No matter what color, what religion, what you prefer on your grilled cheese, the world would be a better place if everyone tried to understand and accept each other's problems and ideas. I didn't say agree or even like them but try to accept them.
I saw this video on youtube showing a homeless man with his three pets, a dog named Booger, a cat named Kitty, and a rat named Mousy. All these animals got along. They were the best of friends! The cat would groom the rat and the dog would let the cat lay on his back while he was walking around and then the rat would be on top of the cat. It was a cool thing to see! The homeless man's message was that if a dog, cat, and a rat could get along than why can't people?
How Does a Plane Avoid Birds?
Supposedly the crash that caused a plane to crash land in the Hudson River was caused by a bird getting stuck in the propeller. By the way, that crash was a miracle all of the passengers survived with minor injuries! God must have been watching over them! :) I was watching the news the other day and they had a story about this whole thing. They said they were looking at a way to avoid birds in the future.
My question is "Is that possible?!". I figure they're going to need a new job called the bird lookout. His job would be to spot birds and tell the pilots "Bird ahead!". The pilot would dive downwards or upwards or loop the loop to avoid a bird. Then the pilot would calmly say "Sorry everyone, we seem to have spotted a bird."
That all kind of reminds me of an old fashioned video game. You know the ones where if you hit anything you "lose a life"? Yup, that's what it would be like.
The only problem is......what if there was a flock of birds?
My question is "Is that possible?!". I figure they're going to need a new job called the bird lookout. His job would be to spot birds and tell the pilots "Bird ahead!". The pilot would dive downwards or upwards or loop the loop to avoid a bird. Then the pilot would calmly say "Sorry everyone, we seem to have spotted a bird."
That all kind of reminds me of an old fashioned video game. You know the ones where if you hit anything you "lose a life"? Yup, that's what it would be like.
The only problem is......what if there was a flock of birds?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games

Well the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics are coming! All us Canadians are pumped and ready. We have the motivational commercials playing showing the drive of our athletes. Yes we even have a Petro Canada commercial that encourages you to buy "Olympic" cups! I'm ready for it as well. I think going to it would be awesome but that probably won't happen. Oh well, Live Broadcast is just as good!
I love the mascots! They're always so cute. If anybody actually knows, could someone tell me what is on Sumi's head? It looks like it could be a disformed hockey mask with horns but I'm sure there is an official name or something. Is it just me or is he also wearing a poncho? I've got to say my favorite is the big furry sasquatch looking guy named Quatchi. He sort of reminds me of Santa. Big, happy, and jolly.
Church at Night...
Well I went to my mom's Stamping Club and it isn't as horrible as I make it sound. For instance, I got 5 pages done on my scrapbook, there was some pretty decent dip and crackers and I guess the ladies didn't talk a lot that night according to my mom. (Personally I still thought they talked quite a bit but anywho...) After the whole shebang was over me and my mom had to make sure everything was shut off. We had to end up going upstairs to put the rent money in the church's offering plate. By this time it was around 12:30 at night so it was dark. Very dark. To get upstairs from the basement you have to climb a tight winding staircase. You cannot see upstairs from the basement! Well it was dark when we were climbing and we noticed there was a light on upstairs. We warily started calling "Hello?" thinking there was somebody up there. There wasn't. It was pitch black when we got into the actual church and every picture and pew looked creepy. It felt like the shadows were lurking behind you. I know you shouldn't be afraid in a church but I have to say it was a little freaky. We made it back to the vehicle quickly with me always looking behind my shoulder. As we drove away we listened to the great music of Mamma Mia! All in all it was a strange experience.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Garfield Strives to Be Snoopy

I found this amusing when I was randomly googling. I am going to thoroughly analyse this

Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day!
Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day! Go tell everyone they have a nice hairdo or give your dog a treat or give your dog a hairdo or .......Go spread the kindness and be happy today! It may be a little late to do so but hey! I'll tell my brother congratulations on his test today, my mom that she has a good taste in TV shows (that TV show would be Days of Our Lives by the way. It's a great show!) and dad that he knows just when to say goodnight. (which is around 11:30 PM and is when I actually go to sleep unlike 10:00 when I'm supposed to be asleep on moms standards.) So have a great evening being happy!
Monday, February 16, 2009
My Great Plan
Well I have a plan for Wednesday! My mom does a Stampin' Club every month and I finally get to go! And yes I couldn't go because it was a school night. They do stay up late! It's pretty much a bunch of mid 30 year olds and older that sit and stamp and chatter till all hours of the morning. (I did mean to type morning!) You may be wondering why I want to go to this, but this is the only time I ever get any stamping done. I plan to make a scrapbook on my friends. It may or may not get done!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Does "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!" actually contain trans fat?

Rubiks Cube Revolution
What a great toy! I'm a bit addicted but its fun! Brief Description: It is shaped like a normal Rubiks Cube except there's buttons on each side that you press when a light flashes in them. If you miss a light it will be GAME OVER. If you press the wrong light it will be GAME OVER. It's pretty challenging. Although the original Rubik's Cube ceases to amaze me. I would never get that thing if I tried! Well anyway its a great buy for those who like simple yet addictive games! (And Tyler thought it was lame at first! he he)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Horse Shaped Fireplace???
Today on the bus me and my bro were talking to Matthew. He is very gullible and is kind of strange...Anyway he was talking about this new fireplace he got. He asked us if we had one. We really don't but Matthew didn't know that! So I said we had a big old steamer of a fireplace that we called Ol' Bessie. We kind of got to how it looked and Tyler said it was shaped like a horse. We said we burn everything in there because "thats how we do things". We told him we didn't like cereal so we threw it in Bessie. We supposedly threw jackets and mice and everything....and he still believed us. It was hilarious! We told him we threw everything in the mouth and you could kind of see it through his belly because "it was sort of see-through". He's way too gullible. I mean seriously? Who has a fireplace that resembles a horses' body? He still dosen't know. Heehee
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