"I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!" is a substitute for butter. You all know that of course. As you can see on the container there is a label that "claims" that the product has No Trans Fat. (If you don't believe me you can go to
http://www.tasteyoulove.com/Products/Calcium.aspx and you will find that it says there is no trans fat.) Here is the shocking part!! (dramatic music..) Wikipedia says that this product contains hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils which contain Trans Fat. However the Food and Drug Administration allowed the product to make the claim as long as each serving had less than half a gram of trans fat! So if you had 14g it would equal 3.5% trans fat in weight. This may be shocking news or old news to all of you diet nuts out there, so if half a gram of trans fat makes a difference to you than run and hide. If you could care less than go ahead and enjoy the sweet buttermilk taste of "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!". I can't really say that though because I have never tried it.
hmmm, i didn't know that.
Tren's daughter Ashton
oh the wonders of google...
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