Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Awesome Life!!

I have an awesomely cool life. It's so cool i have to write in pink. By the way, i dislike pink so don't try convinving me. I will show you a pic of me. Please don't ask why there's a box on my bed. Cleaning the disasterous attic....long story. Oh, crumb! My dial up internet is being weird and i can't get my pic on. O well. I will tell you about me then. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I am a girl. Just thought I'd let you know! lol. I have a brother. I have a mom and dad. I hope you do too! hehehe. I have three cute dogs! I wish the pics were working! I could show you them. I am also a christian and proud of it! Go ahead and ask me questions about it. You won't regret it! Now go ahead and enjoy my opinions!! They are definately worth reading~