Friday, February 19, 2010


I've got to say I'm doing pretty decent for my second time snowboarding! And defineatly not as sore! That's always a plus. I do have some battle wounds though. What I thought was a bruise is really going to turn out as a scar! It's quite a funny story on how it all happened....
Kortney and I were going down the hill or more accurately, the almost flat slope, and I started turning and I couldn't stop. I warned Kortney but she couldn't turn and then BAM! I hit her and I flipped over her and knocked my snowboard on her back. Her snowboard hit my shin and then we both laid there and laughed. Normal people would have been moaning in pain but we laughed. For the rest of the day, me and her were like magnets. All my crashes involved her somehow. Even with all the bang-ups it was a great day! I absolutely LOVE snowboarding! I wish we lived closer to the hill!
I'm proud to say that I can carve! Not great but enough to get me down the hill.....sometimes. ;)

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