Sunday, May 11, 2008


Our softball team had our first game. We won 32 to 14. Wow we kicked their butts! I was dissapointed at my brothers game though. I was supposed to umpire first base but they didn't think I could handle it! Of course I could handle it! I'm 13 for goodness sakes! Oh well. So my next game is going to be in Leader, SK. That will be awesome! It was funny cause' the last softaball season we only played Leader and we lost all our games. But then we won the last game and took home gold!

Tokyo Disneyland

Did you know there's a Disneyland in Tokyo? I sure didn't....It is the first disney park built outside the USA. Personally i didn't know there were any Disney parks outside the USA....o well. It's pretty much exactly like Disneyland only Japenese which makes it more exotic! If you want to know more go to