Saturday, October 23, 2010


This year for our Christmas drama we're doing this hilarious play! I can't tell you what it's called because it doesn't have a name to be called. Our drama teacher wrote it and forgot to name it. Strange, but I suppose that happens to the best of us!

I consider myself a shoo-in for one of the bigger roles but that's assuming and what I've learned from assuming is to never assume. Take last year for instance, I figured I'd have a big part but no, I got a three line part. So don't assume.
But if I was assuming (which I'm not!) I would think I'm going to get the part of the crazy psycotic elf, the hilarious underachieving employee or the dramatic teenage girl. Hopefully, I'll get one of those. Also, this play happens to have choreographed dance numbers which adds so much more awesomeness to a play! One of them is the "Thriller" dance and the other is one to the James Bond theme.
We get our parts Monday so wish me luck!!!


200th Post!!!

So, it seems, that this happens to be my 200th post!! I have an awesome little video for you to watch to celebrate this momentous event! Scroll down to the bottom of my blog and enjoy!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

My Plinky: One Body Part I'd Change

Q: What's one body part you would like to change? Why?

A: I would like to change my wrists. It seems odd but they are the most skinny things you've ever seen. I keep hoping that I'll outgrow it but it isn't coming very quickly. I can't really fit into bracelets or watches all that well. So naturally I want them to be a little thicker.

My Plinky: My Ultimate Keepsakes

Q: If your house started on fire and you could only grab a few keepsakes, what would you grab and why?

A: Journal
This item keeps me together and secretly I want it to be found someday and published like Anne Frank's diary.

My Box
My Box is basically keepsakes in a keepsake, It's full of photos, prizes, trinkets, my canine name it! It pretty much makes a complete picture of me.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! (Well I guess not everyone,,,,,the US for instance...) I love having Thanksgiving at this time of year! I'm almost positive that Canadians gain the most weight in this month because not only does it have the main meal, Thanksgiving, but also dessert, Halloween! So stuff your faces and be proud!! Well Thanksgiving at our house has always been a family affair. But since it's just my mom, dad and me and my brother, my mom bought a smaller turkey. When she was stuffing it she happened to accidentally break its back.......and now it's all floppy. A floppy turkey. So she did eventually get the turkey in the oven. Soon though we hit another road bump. I smelled smoke. I told mom to go check the turkey and a little bit of turkey had fallen out of the pot and onto the oven floor. It was sizzling and smoking and it almost started on fire. If our turkey had burnt that would have just been heart breaking. But no it didn't and I'm thankful! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I took this picture today having the black and white thing in mind. I love it! My idea is to get one of me maybe wearing a colorful necklace, these socks and holding that flower while sitting on a coral. I think it'll turn out great and I'll post it here so all of you can see it!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Little Furry Surprise

So today I had to cut some dead branches off some of the trees in our ditch. My puppies had come along with me for moral support but soon abandoned it for a much more interesting puddle. I got right down to work and was about halfway done my job and just finishing cutting off a branch when this furry little thing ran across my feet! I screamed, accidently cut myself with the saw (not seriously) and literally ran up one of the trees! I probably could've avoided the whole fiasco if I had been watching the dogs because they were actually chasing it.....
Then my mom comes out wondering why in the world I was screaming. I told her and she just laughed and said she wasn't  scared of mice! I beg to differ!!! This isn't the first mouse incident I've had this year! (Go to my post, Things in the Peat Moss to read about my other one....)
So there I was stuck in this tree and not wanting to get down because I was afraid of a little mouse that was probably long gone. Eventually though I got down and finished the job. That was enough excitement for one day!

Friday, October 8, 2010

My Plinky: A Voyage to the Moon

Q: If you could get a free trip to the moon, would you take it?

A: I like to think I'm a go-getter but honestly I don't think I would go. It would be an amazing and humbling experience but after watching Apollo 13 I've decided space travel isn't for me.

Cure to Sadness :)

I've been completley out of sorts for awhile and I need a way to brighten my day. I was so bad I was tripping over everything and embarrassing myself in front of everyone So I decided I'll wear bright socks and dance around the house and listen to happy songs. And when I say bright socks I mean rainbow-up-to-the-knee socks and when I say happy music I mean Lollipop by Cartoon in Motion,  Daylight by Grand and Happy by Never Shout Never. These songs and bright socks are the best therapy in the world! Try it sometime :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Little Addiction......

This game is my addiction. It's so simple and pointless but it entertains you for hours! I apologize in advance to anyone else who may get hooked on this game....
The Snake Game

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Happy October!

It's October so Happy October everyone!!! October is black cats, witches, the occasional snow, bad luck, the color orange and also National Sarcasm Awareness Month. So my challenge to all of you is to yell 'SARCASM!' if you hear anyone use it. I know half of the people who read this won't but that's why it's called a challenge! ;) And let's make this even more whoever yells out 'SARCASM!' when somebody uses it in a public place and comments their story about it on this post, I'll make a post all about your story! So let's get cracking! October doesn't last all year!