Saturday, October 23, 2010


This year for our Christmas drama we're doing this hilarious play! I can't tell you what it's called because it doesn't have a name to be called. Our drama teacher wrote it and forgot to name it. Strange, but I suppose that happens to the best of us!

I consider myself a shoo-in for one of the bigger roles but that's assuming and what I've learned from assuming is to never assume. Take last year for instance, I figured I'd have a big part but no, I got a three line part. So don't assume.
But if I was assuming (which I'm not!) I would think I'm going to get the part of the crazy psycotic elf, the hilarious underachieving employee or the dramatic teenage girl. Hopefully, I'll get one of those. Also, this play happens to have choreographed dance numbers which adds so much more awesomeness to a play! One of them is the "Thriller" dance and the other is one to the James Bond theme.
We get our parts Monday so wish me luck!!!


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