Sunday, March 20, 2011

Scream 4!

Yes, I am one of those freaks of the world who enjoys scary movies. (Even if I can't sleep for a solid week after I watch a good one...) And since I'm one of those freaks I thought I'd tell everyone about SCREAM 4!! Woooo!! The Scream fanatics of the world would have already known this movie was coming out a good year ago.....well same here. I knew about it but it's just getting so close to the opening day! I'm getting pumped up! It comes out April 15th for Canada. Sorry Americans, you'll have to google that one.
Here's the link to the trailer for Scream 4!

A Big Catch Up Post

So it's been awhile since I last wrote (or typed depending on how you look at it...) and so much has happened worth writing (typing haha) about!
First of all I got my license!! Apparently I "just squeaked by" according to my driver tester or whatever you want to call him. In fact I believe he used to be one of those old gangsters that had one of those gangster accents but that might be just me. Anyways I got it and thats all that matters!!! Now the only thing left is getting a car! haha. That'll be the day....
Also, I went to Mexico in February for a week to go build a school down there. That was the most amazing experience I have ever had. Seriously. We traveled down there on a bus all the way from Saskatchewan, Canada to the Baja area in Mexico. Needless to say, it was an extremely long trip. We slept on the floors of the bus. Most people thought that was the best place to sleep.....I highly disagree. The one time I slept down there I was claustrophobic.
When we got to Mexico we went to this place called La Bufadora near Ensanada. It's an outdoor market where people barter for their items. I was the WORST at that. Eventually though I figured it out and I got a bracelet down to two dollars. I was very proud of myself :)
When we started building the school there were so many kids who wanted to play with us! I loved it! You had no idea what they were telling you but it was so great to see all their smiling faces. I made this one little friend named Pedro. He would run up to me and then I would make a crazy face and he'd run away laughing. It was so cute. Then I would do an action like waving my arms and he would copy me. I loved little Pedro. He was like a little ray of sunshine :)
We finished the school in 3 days which is crazy! It was a two classroom school. I swear I have never painted so much in my life! Every piece that went on that school had to be painted....twice. It was crazy. Anyways, in the end I had such a contented feeling about it all. It was so worth it.
After Mexico, we had a fun day in Disneyland on our way home!! I got to hug Pluto! That was defineately one of the happiest moments of my life! haha. I went on California Screamin too. Just so everyone knows, that's the biggest rollercoaster in Disneyland. It was amazing! I had such a good trip it's unbelievable. There are so many stories I could tell but this is all I'll leave you with for now :)
Oh! One more thing! I got a small job at our church. I'm what I would like to call a cleanliness technician or a custodian in other words....but hey! It gets me $100 each it's something.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy 2011!

It's a new year!! It's a time for resolutions, party hats and appetizer-ish food.
My New Year's Eve was pretty eventful if I must say so myself....
There was a LOT of food. It was almost scary how much food I ate. First there was appetizers and I probably ate about 5 of these little hamburger pocket things. They were so just can't stop eating them. Then at 12:00am they decided to have a midnight lunch! There was roast beef and ham and potato salad and oreo salad and all sorts of things that made my stomach pretty much explode. And if all that wasn't enough, at 1:00am they decided to bring out cake! Well that was pretty much all I could handle. Is it even possible for a person to explode? I was almost believing it that night.
Also, New Year's Eve was the first time I had alcohol. All the adults there were set on "christening" me. So they forced upon me a jello shooter. (They actually taste pretty good!) At first I was completely clueless on how to eat them. I mushed it all up, thinking it would be easier. That didn't work. The second time I had one was much easier. I also had a fruity drink. Small version though and that's when my mother cut me off.
I ended up having a pretty good New Year's! I wish everyone the best in 2011!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Nice-ish Day

Today is a beautiful day and I couldn't ask for better! It's currently +5 degrees out and it's perfect weather for running with the dogs or snowboarding.....but sadly I'm not snowboarding. I will get some snowboarding time in if it kills me!! And it just might because I still have a scar from the last time....
Anyways! I kind of went off rambling there for a moment. It happens to the best of us.
It's so beautiful outside that I decided to take some pictures with my brand NEW camera! (Got that for Christmas by the way...)
So I was taking pictures of the dogs.
I was taking pictures of the snow.
I was taking pictures of the trees.
And then I was taking pictures of the cats.....that's when things went wrong. *Scary music plays*
It was all fine for a few moments but then Bob (one of the two cats) got curious and then swatted at the camera. It got snow in it and smudged up the BRAND NEW CAMERA!! But I'll fix it.....hopefully.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Merry Christmas! Like I promised here are a few Christmas presents for my readers!! :)


**Remember when changing templates, save your current template before you put on your new one if you aren't permenately keeping the festive template**

3. Christmas Cursors for Blogs!

4. This funny video made me laugh out loud! Have a good chuckle this Christmas! This will also be in the Video Gallery.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Plinky: Someone Who Deserves More Credit

Q: Who do you think deserves more credit?

A: Quite frankly, I think that the guy who invented scissors needs more credit. We use scissors all the time but no one acknowledges this person's brilliance!! But no longer!! That is why I am going to acknowledge.......umm......the guy who invented scissors......uuhh what's his name? Hold on, let me google it. It is Robert Hichliffe! Let's all give this guy a round of applause!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Almost Christmas!!

There is two days until Christmas and the tree is trimmed, the tabletops are covered with Christmas cards and most of my presents are wrapped. (Very nicely, I might add....)
I don't think the reality of Christmas has hit me yet. It probably won't until Christmas Eve. Our yard is full of snow and our puppies are going pretty crazy chasing every snowflake thinking that somehow catching that snowflake will change their lives. This year for our puppies we got them HUGE rawhide bones. Not big, HUGE. They're probably a good 3 feet. Well over the average size of normal rawhide bones. haha. But then again we're not a normal family. ;)
Mom has given me a project this year. She's told me to write our annual newsletter. I'm pretty excited about this for two reasons:
1. I Can Show the World My Writing Talent! ~ It gives me good practice since I plan on becoming a big shot journalist or at least work for a newspaper.
2. I Get to Represent the Family! ~ My mom has always been the voice of the family but no longer!

Two days until Christmas! Check my blog on Christmas Day for a few Christmas surprises for all my readers!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Cooking Expertise!

Caesar Potatoes

Italian Chicken

Raspberry Dream Cups
  So I was cooking today. I'm pretty proud of it turned out way better than the Greek meal I cooked awhile ago....let's just say things were a little crispy...
I made Italian Chicken, Caesar potatoes and Raspberry Dream Cups. I got all these recipes from What's Cooking? magazine. I love that magazine!! It all looks so good.....I'm the kind of person that needs pictures with a recipe. It gives me an idea about what it's supposed to look like, which almost never happens. And no, the pictures above are from the magazine and not what I cooked. They looked completely least the dream cups did. Haha. But my meal tasted delicious and I guess that's what counts!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hello Again!

Hello again! It's November, also known as No-shave-ember! haha
It's a month long holiday celebrating the joys of not shaving! It's definitely up to you if you want to participate.......I am not.
So about that drama part I was hoping to get from my last post..........I got it!! I am Leah! It's a huge challenge with having to memorize so many lines and fake an allergic reaction, but I believe I can do it. We've had many practices and I am almost a pro at the Thriller dance. Almost. Actually a long ways from it.  I'm sure I'll have it down before the production.....hopefully. If you want to learn it, check it out in my brand spanking new Video Gallery.
Also, we got cats. They're orange and their names are Bob and Tiger. Yes, we named our cat Bob. Bob is kind of different because he happens not to have no tail. He is perfectly fine otherwise though!
We got our first snow which is terribly unfortunate. I am not ready for cold weather at all! Go away snow!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


This year for our Christmas drama we're doing this hilarious play! I can't tell you what it's called because it doesn't have a name to be called. Our drama teacher wrote it and forgot to name it. Strange, but I suppose that happens to the best of us!

I consider myself a shoo-in for one of the bigger roles but that's assuming and what I've learned from assuming is to never assume. Take last year for instance, I figured I'd have a big part but no, I got a three line part. So don't assume.
But if I was assuming (which I'm not!) I would think I'm going to get the part of the crazy psycotic elf, the hilarious underachieving employee or the dramatic teenage girl. Hopefully, I'll get one of those. Also, this play happens to have choreographed dance numbers which adds so much more awesomeness to a play! One of them is the "Thriller" dance and the other is one to the James Bond theme.
We get our parts Monday so wish me luck!!!


200th Post!!!

So, it seems, that this happens to be my 200th post!! I have an awesome little video for you to watch to celebrate this momentous event! Scroll down to the bottom of my blog and enjoy!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

My Plinky: One Body Part I'd Change

Q: What's one body part you would like to change? Why?

A: I would like to change my wrists. It seems odd but they are the most skinny things you've ever seen. I keep hoping that I'll outgrow it but it isn't coming very quickly. I can't really fit into bracelets or watches all that well. So naturally I want them to be a little thicker.