Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Band Trip!

I am so ready for our band trip this year!! We're going to Edmonton! We will be seeing Beauty and the Beast The Musical before anyone else! My band teacher got us all in free for a special presentation before the opening night! And OF COURSE, we get to spend some time in the West Edmonton Mall!!!! I am SO excited if you haven't yet noticed!
Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley

A Snowstorm in APRIL?!

So yes, this is April!! Why is it snowing may you ask? I have no clue. This was in Alberta. It was crazy because that morning we were able to go to the mall without a coat and then later we were running to the vehicle because we had no coat. There was ice frozen to the windshield! Ridiculous! On the way back to my Aunt's house, there were flares set up on the side of the road and cops were there as well. They were making sure no one got onto one of the major highways leading out of the city due to a 54 car pileup. It was kind of funny because all of the semi's who were trucking by that route were all stopped on the side of the road not really sure what they should be doing. There was basically a wall of semi's on both sides of you for a good while.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Saw Alice in Wonderland!!

↑ Me with my 3D glasses and their lenses popped out :)

I went and saw Alice in Wonderland! Finally....although not with my friends. Oh well, it was still REALLY good! I've got to say, I'm a fan of that cat. There's just something about him......oh that's right, he evaporates. Anyway when my Aunt and I decided to go to this movie it was going to start in 15 minutes and we were 20 minutes away PLUS we didn't have our tickets yet. So we drove, surprisingly staying at speed limit (We didn't have time to get a ticket). When we  got to the theatre we were running all over the place trying to find the place where we got tickets. APPARENTLY my Aunt hadn't been to this theatre before! So we got our tickets and went into the theatre. And we only missed 10 minutes! Which was like the previews and 5 minutes of the movie! Wow! It was a great show!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dancing with the Stars

So this year on Dancing with the Stars I'm cheering for Erin Andrews and Maksim Chmerkovskiy (that's a doozy of a name). They've done pretty decent so far and I'm expecting big things from now on! I know what I'm talking about! Even though Erin has received death threats for her being on Dancing with the Stars ( she's still staying on. No need to fear though, the FBI is on the case. (Wow, how corny am I?) I would defineately vote for them if it weren't for the small fact that I live in Canada.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hoppy Easter!

Hoppy Easter everyone!! (Get it? I'm sure you do.) It's the wonderful holiday filled with bunny chocolates, Peeps and animals trying to become bunnies. Well, I know one thing for certain. Easter didn't come from bunnies and eggs and chocolate. It came from God. He died for us, need we be reminded. He saved us so we could go to heaven! Don't get me wrong, I love the chocolate eggs and bunnies. Personally though, I'm more of the hollow chocolate bunnies person and not bite-into-a-brick-of-chocolate-and-break-your-teeth kind of person. But that's just me! Hope everyone's Easter is filled with fun! (and the plastic stuffing you fill Easter baskets with!)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday Breakfast

As always, the Good Friday breakfast was a huge hit! Especially with all those crapes! (Don't know what crapes are? Please refer to the picture above ↑ ) There was one strange thing that happened with the food though. The eggs turned gray. It was so weird. It looked like silly putty. Not very appetizing.....
We had a great band! They are called the Hunter Family. They sing western gospel music. They were absolutely hilarious and so talented! The whole family was hockey players. The Good Friday breakfast was great!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool's!!

April Fool's Day was a success this year! Sorta...I hadn't remembered it was April Fool's until I got to school. However, I pulled a bunch of random hilarious stunts. Well sorta...They were kind of spur of the moment so everyone thought they were pretty bad but I got a good kick out of them. When I went to my friend's house for lunch, I stole probably everything and hid it. haha. I also made her toast burn....cue evil laugh. Not the best jokes but still a great day!!!