Do you think going green is hard and you can't get in the habit of buying solar panels and saving the penguins?? I do. If you're having some problems than here are some quick fixes for your green problem:
1. Shut off your lights!! ~ If you want to be green than a simple thing you can do is shut off your lights when you leave the room. Simple right?
2. Turn off the water when you're not using it!!! ~ Brushing your teeth with the water running is a habit most people get into. So turn off the tap when you're cleaning your pearly whites!
3.Recylce!! ~ The most obvious one is to recycle so do it! Use paper on both sides than recycle it!! Take your pop cans and plastics to a local recycling facility!
4. Use water bottles more than once! ~ If you buy a plastic water bottle from a store than use it again! It's smart! It's easy!
5.Unplug cell phone chargers when cell phone is done charging! ~ Don't leave your cell on your charger forever! You're wasting energy! Take it off the moment you see it done! (miley and mandy show)
6. Wear a sweater instead of cranking up the AC!! ~ You don't need to turn on the air conditioner when you probably have blankets or sweaters to wear!
Those are some simple things you can do to help our earth and home survive! So HELLO get to it!
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