Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Best Water Bottle Ever

Ok, so the Contigo water bottle is probably the best water bottle I've ever seen! EVER! I know this sounds cliche' but it doesn't leak! I'm not joking! I have it in my backpack all day with all my precious papers and my I-Pod. So trust me on this one, it doesn't leak at all. I even have it laying down! So it doesn't leak. Unless of course you crack it but that is even pretty hard to do! But not only does it NOT leak, it's got quite the fancy way of opening them. It was absolutely histerical when I asked someone to see if they could figure out how to open it! You have to press the plastic bar on the back of the lid otherwise opening the little spout on the top of the water bottle! I bought these little babies at Costco in a three pack for $20! What a bargain for such a good quality water bottle. Wow am I doing this company a favour or what?

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